There are already a few years that I have realised, that our future will be getting even more digital than it was before. But since I have joined STEEMIT in 2017 it was unbelievably shocking for me, having realised, that I didn't have even a very small knowledge about PROGRAMMING. In this futural community of bloggers, who want to improve the idea of a social platform you could be even more helpful, if you start working with the code and improve some actual programs.
Besides, I had a very big interest in how to earn money by investing in the STOCK MARKET. Unfortunately I figured out that it could only work out, if you analyse tons of data. Because of that I started to look for some development environments for developing some software, which could help me with this problem.
But in fact, I do not get, where to start first:
- Which is the best language to start with?
- C#
- C++
- And which is the best learning platform for absolute newbies in coding?
- lynda
- udemy
- udacity
- codecademy
- MIT OpenCourseWare
Or any others? Please feel free to give your tips below...
steem regards!
your: Legal Tech Expert.
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