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RE: Literature Programming for Clojure with Babel and Spacemacs

in #programming7 years ago

From 2013-2016 I've created several largish literate programming projects in Clojure entirely in org-mode (e.g., and created a Leiningen project template to simplify the creation of new LP projects...

After several years working this way I generally still believe the LP approach of formulating the actual problem in prose form before/during coding has allowed me to produce better code and work on more projects in parallel than writing code "normally". OTOH I'm still very much on the fence about how suitable this way of working is for open source projects. The by far largest (and unrefutable) criticism is that one essentially forces any contributor to use emacs and that simply doesn't work. Also, now that my professional focus has shifted away from Clojure, that means alot of these projects slowly become unmaintained largely because there's this huge barrier of entry just from the tooling side... In another life I might still be tempted to work on more modern/approachable LP solution myself :)


Hey cryptothing! I've come across your stuff, and returned to it a few times (understanding things slightly more each time), albeit not enough to properly utilize it. I'm really a musician/producer, but started dabbling in coding, mainly Clojure, a couple of years back. Through this I got into emacs, with CIDER and org-mode (and I can't understand why other people wouldn't want to use emacs, particular with the likes of spacemacs catering for vim users). I can totally see the benefits of using the literal programming method, and how simple org-mode makes this sort of working, and how much it could vastly speed up the development of projects.

You libraries gush quality! I imagined somehow using geom to create some kind of audio-reactive beast. I'll be resuming my efforts shortly, and hopefully will be a bit more focused in the future (thanks to shedding some unproductive habits).

Interesting, would love to see how structuring a larger code base be like using LP. Also, why did you leave clojure?