Thanks for composing such an intriguing and informative piece of writing. I’ve been casually scanning information regarding this particular robot as well as the work of DARPA throughout the last few years and I’m deeply concerned about the possible implications of pushing AI to it’s limitations.
It would foolish and naive to think that AI development is only aimed at creating a better planet, more efficient cities and greater way of life. What about military weaponization utilising AI and robotic consciousness?
A brief look at human history and it becomes clear that colonisation and genocide go hand in hand with misguided ideologies of superiority and evolutionary intelligence. If Robots gain independent thought and finally become conscious then what role do we play? What is the onus for them to take any further direction from us?
Furthermore, if this state of consciousness is reached then what separates Robot lives from those of human beings? What lines, once blurred, define humanity and robotics?