There is a very hard to understand concept which JavaScript has called Prototype. You've already seen a lot if you have an experience with JavaScript.
Many books and articles describing prototype are out there, but i just write this yet another article about prototype to improve my understanding.
Actually many people calls both Prototype Object and Prototype Link a Prototype. So it becomes beginners to understand difficult.
So let's figure out the differences between Prototype Object and Prototype Link.
Prototype Object vs Prototype Link
When you declare a Function, then the Function object have its own Prototype Object.
the Prototype Object is just another plain object, and it has the parent Function on its constructor
property. (Circular Reference)
function Animal() {
console.log(Animal.prototype.constructor === Animal); // prints true
And when you instantiate new object with the Function, the instantiated object will be linked with the Prototype Object just like this:
function Animal() {
Animal.prototype.say = function() {
console.log('this is animal');
var animal = new Animal();
console.log(animal.__proto__ === Animal.prototype); // prints true
You may notice that instantiated animal
object has strange __proto__
property. and Yes, __proto__
is a Prototype Link.
How Prototype works
Prototype Object is just a special plain object which all Function objects have.
and Prototype Link is a just a link to original Prototype Object.
With Prototype Link, You can call a function which is located at the Prototype Object on the instantiated object, for example:
function Animal() { = 'animal';
Animal.prototype.say = function() {
console.log('This is ' +;
function Dog() { = 'dog';
Dog.prototype = Object.create(Animal.prototype);
Dog.prototype.constructor = Dog;
var dog = new Dog();
dog.say(); // call Animal.prototype.say with 'dog' context, prints 'This is dog'
In the example, when you call a say
function on dog
object. JavaScript engine will find say
function on the dog
object first, and if can't find it then it will find the function on the its __proto__
object, and so on. and finally the found function is called with dog
object context. (its like:;
And finding the calling function can be following multiple prototype links, it's called Prototype Chain.
the following figure is describing the prototype relations for the above example:

- Prototype Object: a Special plain object on all Function objects
- Prototype Link: a Link to the Prototype Object on all objects
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