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RE: GIT feature branches vs. Continuous Integration (CI) - Improve your software development

in #programming7 years ago

Hi, good post, I assume the "clean" Fowler setup is the same as trunk based development? I do agree that the compromise you describe is a reasonable thing to do but there is also the nagging thought that true CI needs frequent integration on a main branch. I heard Nicole Forsgren at Code-Conf and she said that her research points to trunk based development as one of the practices that creates high performing software companies.


Hay @jedibofink ,

Thank you for your feedback and the link to code conf - I personally hadn't the chance so far to be there 😢

I agree with your remarks, but I want to add that this strongly depends on the size of the team and its skill .. if people don't know how to work with the tools around CI/CD all strategies will fail 😅

Thank you once again and best regards!

I agree, technology/tools is one part but there is always a human side, if you don't have a buy in and knowledge in the organisation you will not succeed.