Hey folks!
Decided to brush-up on the old JavaScript by writing a Craps game.
While this idea is nothing new (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/23378166/program-that-simulates-the-game-of-craps-need-helps-adding-bank-on-this-code) I want my code to pull from an array.
- Am I on the right track as far as logic.
- Why the hell isn't my button working?
Here's my playground: http://liquidsolomon.com/craps.html
I'm on mobile right now but I'll have a peek at your code later, I might be able to help you out. Just commenting here so I can find your post easily later :)
Thank you
This question was answered elsewhere : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45622537/javascript-craps-game-using-two-arrays-to-generate-the-point?answertab=oldest#tab-top
Thank you taking the time!