Lesson 8 Programming in Koutlin
Application of age calculation in years
we will ask the user to enter the year of his birth and then calculate his age in years
fun main (args: Array <String>)
print ("enter your birth year:")
var yearofbirth: Int = readLine () !!. ToInt ()
var year: Int = Calendar.getInstance (). Get (Calendar.YEAR)
var age: Int = year - yearofbirth
print ("age = $ age")
As we learned from previous lessons, this example is clear in most of it
Except the line
var year: Int = Calendar.getInstance (). Get (Calendar.YEAR)
In this order we defined a year variable of Type Int as for the other part of it
Calendar.getInstance () .get (Calendar.YEAR)
We have called the history library (year) from the collection of libraries in Kotlin
If we want to ask for this month all we have to change the word year at the end of the line by the word month
Calendar.getInstance () .get (Calendar.MONTH)
As well as for the day, week and hours .....
Q: Write a program that calculates the user's age in months, weeks, and days