Programming with Kotlin lesson 5
to them immediately after definition or later
 In the previous lessons we learned how to define the variables in Kotlin language and how to assign values
But what if we want to store the value of what the user enters into the variable
Then we use
readLine () !!
If the data type entered is a text
we have a text variable called name
we define it as we learned
var name:String?
To store data entered by the user with the name variable we write
name = readLine () !!
If the variable type is int, double, float, .... It must be converted before storing it
for example
var age: Int?
age = readLine () !!. toInt ()
var pi: Double?
pi = readLine () !!. toDouble ()
fun main (args:Array <String>)
/*in this program we will ask user to input his name and age*/
// then we will print the info on the screen
print("enter your name: ")
var name:String?
name = readLine()!!
print("enter your age: ")
var age:Int?
age = readLine()!!.toInt()
In this example we first ask the user to enter his name by the command print ("enter your name:")
Then we stored the name in a variable called name
Then we asked the user to enter his age by the order
print ("enter your age:")
And stored age with a variable named age after converting it to type Int by the command
age = readLine () !!. toInt ()
Then we printed the input on the screen
Comments are used to explain the program by typing statements that the compiler ignores but that will help us a lot if we come back to modify our program for a period of time
Comments are added to the program using the // symbol if the comment is from a single line
if the comment is multi-line, we type it between the two symbols
/ * Multi-line
* /
Q: Write a program that asks the user to enter his / her data (name, age, length, weight, hair color, etc.) with comments
oooh easy lesson as what i want. this is Kotlin so easy
Kotlin is so easy
i will try my best to make it so simple