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RE: Why Linux Is Awesome & Why everyone should consider it!

in #programming8 years ago

Well, to be fair, untill recently linux was hard to use. You were forced to be a tech savvy kind of guy until recent developments.
Linux will grow as long as it continues getting easier to use, and eventually there will be no more need for paid operating systems at all, you will indeed only pay for apps.
Maybe I'm wrong but that's where I see it heading, let's honest now android was a very huge deal for Linux and already there are lots of people using it, and it's easy and simple to use.
Nowadays, most Linux Distributions offer tablet like user interfaces and windows is following the same example that linux set, Windows was never the first to bring in that Idea it was linux all along!
Considering slowly we're heading in the direction where personal computers will reach the size of your phone, I believe linux will surely vastly evolve over time.
Why Linux doesn't have more of the market share?
That's because it was late, it was late and it began as an operating system created by developers for developers.
Only later did Linux head to the normal users, and now it's doing it fully, and however little you may think, results are starting to show!
Think about it some more, before the only kind of people who would be able to use linux were geeks and that scared people off it's only natural that a barrier was created back then, and it's only natural that people stayed away from the idea and left it all to computer engineers. That is no longer the case, did you hear there's a chinese project to combine the linux kernel with the windows kernel? Perhaps in the near future we will even see all the apps that windows is able to run on Linux, without emulation!