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- Year 1951: Bombs in New York, how it was reported then in media and investigated
- HTML5 Version of the Tron:Legacy Boardroom Scene
- Feynman on Fermat's Last Theorem
- Python Oddities
- Show HN: Simple Bhagavad Gita Search Web App
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- How New York's Roosevelt Island Sucks Away Summer Trash Stink
- Millennials returning to Puerto Rico, launching startups
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- Show HN: Twitch Plays Doom
- There Have Always Existed People Who’ve Simply Wanted to Be Alone
- SDF Public Access Unix System
- 832 TB – ZFS on Linux
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- A library of React components to make SVG maps using d3-geo and topojson
- Name-letter Effect
- The Evolution of Lisp (1993) [pdf]
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By the way, have you heard of calibrae
? It's the fork of Steemit currently
in progress. Come check out the discord.
Holy Fuck.