Hacker News 2017-08-06

in #programming8 years ago
  1. Talla – An Erlang Implementation of Tor [video]
  2. Documents Reveal Top NSA Hacking Unit
  3. Year 1951: Bombs in New York, how it was reported then in media and investigated
  4. HTML5 Version of the Tron:Legacy Boardroom Scene
  5. Feynman on Fermat's Last Theorem
  6. Python Oddities
  7. Show HN: Simple Bhagavad Gita Search Web App
  8. The structure of a GCC back end
  9. How New York's Roosevelt Island Sucks Away Summer Trash Stink
  10. Millennials returning to Puerto Rico, launching startups
  11. Cheap Beijing Flights With a Dangerous Catch
  12. The NOVA filesystem
  13. Show HN: Twitch Plays Doom
  14. There Have Always Existed People Who’ve Simply Wanted to Be Alone
  15. SDF Public Access Unix System
  16. 832 TB – ZFS on Linux
  17. Manifold Garden (Escheresque Puzzle Game) Teaser
  18. Detecting Chrome headless
  19. A timeless Twitter Bootstrap theme built for the modern web
  20. Kids Pass Just Reminded Us How Hard Responsible Disclosure Is
  21. This Mysterious Military Spy Plane Has Been Flying Circles Over Seattle for Days
  22. Optimizing Hash-Array Mapped Tries for Fast Immutable JVM Collections (2015) [pdf]
  23. Can a Living Creature Be as Big as a Galaxy?
  24. Fangle: create interactive documents from plain text
  25. Publii – Open Source CMS for Static Websites
  26. Arrest of WannaCry researcher sends chill through security community
  27. Why nature prefers hexagons
  28. A library of React components to make SVG maps using d3-geo and topojson
  29. Name-letter Effect
  30. The Evolution of Lisp (1993) [pdf]

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By the way, have you heard of calibrae? It's the fork of Steemit currently
in progress. Come check out the discord.


HTML5 Version of the Tron:Legacy Boardroom Scene

Holy Fuck.