Reddit programming hot 25 on 2017-08-06

in #programming8 years ago
  1. Bootloader and Low-Level Programming Tutorial: How To Develop Your Own Boot Loader
  2. Jonathan Blow on unit testing and TDD
  3. Faster command line tools with Kotlin
  4. Codebender: The Largest Arduino Playground in The World
  5. Web Assembly Working Group Charter Approved
  6. Elixir School
  7. 832 TB – ZFS on Linux – Project “Cheap and Deep”: Part 1
  8. xmake v2.1.5 released, lots of new feature updates
  9. Generating Random Numbers From a Specific Distribution By Inverting the CDF
  10. Re-Writing BSD shell commands like it's 1994: mkdir, part 2!
  11. Snabel - a statically typed scripting-language embedded in C++
  12. So, about this Googler’s manifesto: "male gender roles remain highly inflexible, and that this is a bug, not a feature"
  13. Creating your own DSL with Kotlin - Type-safe builders by example
  14. DNA: The code of Life - DNA explained in computing terms, arguing DNA/cells are a computing environment
  15. Java 9 JShell Standalone
  16. StackOverflow Sunsetting Documentation
  17. Tinkering with electronics
  18. The NOVA filesystem
  19. MyCLI – Mysql/Mariadb Client with Syntax Highlighting and Autocompletion
  20. A formalization of category theory in Coq
  21. Google Employee's Anti-Diversity Rant
  22. Staying Sharp as a Solo Programmer
  23. In a nutshell, why do a lot of developers dislike Agile?
  24. Build a Yelp-Style Website
  25. 5GWS interfacing with JavaScript, PHP & Node.js Esprima JS Parser

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