To Bot or Not to Bot that is the question

in #programming7 years ago


How much of curation should be through the gradual discovery of content of interest and how much should be driven by the use of computer AI or Deep Learning? This is still a question for me.

I started my steemit journey about a month ago and continue to unravel its mysteries. I have learned much as well as discovered how much I have yet to learn. My current quandary is how can I best leverage a 'bot' or computer algorithm to assist me in discovering and organizing my interactions with those that I follow as well as those who follow me. Being a programmer, my inclination is to program a tool that I can tweak and tune to my specific needs.

The vision: Utilize steem-python from my local machine to retrieve data from a combination of the steem blockchain directly as well as fetch data from The goal is to retrieve followers of mine that I have upvoted, underwelming I know. I do think this will be a useful first build, to just get my development environment set up.

To the programmers and developers out there, if you happen to find this post and take the time to read it, first off, thank you. If you have suggestions or feedback on the use of #programming or "#steem-python" for this type of post let me know, I am not clear on the etiquette for these particular tags. My understanding is this would not be the type of post to tag with #utopian-io as it is not specific or directly related to enhancements or efforts specifically in that context. I may be wrong, any feedback will be appreciated. Like I said, one of the big challenges still seems to be how to organize and share content with audiences that are interested.

If you read this, and you are not a bot, let me know by indicating via a reply. I still believe the greatest value of this platform is its potential to connect like minded individuals sharing thier intellect and time. That being said, there is a place for smart use of computer power and a bit of math to free up some time for the thinking part of the value proposition. At least that is my hope for steemit and why I am spending some time with it.