Kids Draw Caterpillar in LOGO

in #programming7 years ago (edited)

Logo Programming, which is known as Turtle Graphics for both parents and kids!.@turtlegraphics aims to provide a set of simple-to-follow-and-fun-to-learn examples for

Logo Programming Source

to caterpillar 
  lt 90 jump 100 rt 180 
  lt 90 jump 20 circle 40 
  lt 45 jump 50 circle 40 
  rt 45 jump -50
  jump -20 rt 90
  repeat 5 [ jump 50 circle 50]
cs color green caterpillar 

jump equals pu fd. The kids draw circles after circles in green and shout at them, look what a green Caterpillar!



Logo Software

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LogoTurtle@turtlegraphics and the is maintained by @justyy

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Some of his contributions: SteemIt Tools, Bots, APIs and Tutorial Thank you!