SANE PROGRESSIVE: "Seth Rich Just Latest Media Obfuscation in Grip of Mass Delusion"

in #progressive7 years ago

Everybody this is doubly welcome to the same progressive them sit and by the train tracks which I find comforting find comforting I grew up on the wrong side of the tracks is a blue collar girl and male rats daughter and not then shook me to sleep at night like the sound of the church to to to to to to kick
At the train rolling down the tracks
So we will see if the sweet love into Hillary's nubuck what happens
That at Greenwalt had a good response to that what happened the title that %HESITATION
And hit the questions and answers itself by the name of a that the author of the book Hillary Clinton
Pretty clever
Good morning and good morning everybody we're going to talk about I tried to do this video yesterday over on Facebook and it was a total disaster and I don't know I've been having a lot of technical difficulties I got four bars right now
But my videos keep cutting out so we'll see if we can …to have a chat this morning
Yet the only the only book to have the question he answered them the front it's pretty care guards out with Debbie
That's right
No August days and walk in the tracks I used to what I use the cut over to middle school through the tracks
And walk the tracks back in the eighties in my high heel would zodiac boots with the little chain gold star on the edge number
Alright so let's get into some content
The thing that I keep coming back to as I'm trying to talk about
What you know what's going on in the news
Everything just seems like a late the latest variation and the latest flavor of manipulation and we honor I I I I have been involved in trying to advocate
A for political change for twenty seven years …and the media has …ways obfuscated and %HESITATION
You know kind of manipulated the public opinion I have never seen anything so ugly and so blatant %HESITATION
It it in in in in the my entire at time of being present and and paying attention to this
…what is currently going on %HESITATION
We did
The …the Russia fairy tale
The collusion story of %HESITATION
You know Donald Trump and …with Russia during the campaign and the election interference is all a made up story to obfuscate
Crimes off you skate %HESITATION
How what it really happened with the election fraud and invent narratives to advance …war it's it's really really sick %HESITATION
And it's very very discouraging because I'm gonna talk a little bit about the south ridge story but we are dealing with me
You know we can talk individually to people who have some kind of awareness of
How things are really operating from
In till we have people collectively wake up on a much larger
I am much let it in much larger numbers were not really going to be able to reach people
…on any of these individual given stories because in order to be able to see a story
…like south rich …ID or understand the election interference and where it really came from or understand the motives that are being put forth by everyone I'm both sides of the political aisle around the lies of election fraud in advancing war
In that the people have to come to a place where they understand that this is where our government is that this is where our media is at
…and it doesn't matter how much logical information it doesn't matter how objective the information and it doesn't matter the source of the information and it doesn't matter how logical your arguments are you we are dealing with that block and …it is not just that other people have it
Me have these blocks I kissed continually seek through this work where my blocks of Ben and I'm constantly readjusting to see where my arm
Where my …where I'm missing pieces …so
If we're gonna advocate for political change
You know we can highlight any one story and use that as a way to expose how the system is really working
We need to get to some underlying fundamental
Foundational obstacles that we are facing that are causing us not to be able to move forward and really challenge this in a way that is going to be effective
People gotta be very careful about being like well I I'm I'm awake
But they're not awake because when I see with a lot of people right now and I've done it myself so I'm not like trying to cast stones when I say this
This system is so usurped
So mob like so operating within manipulations that are coordinated between neo liberals and neo conservatives
…and being controlled by power interests not affiliated with political parties but wealth interest military industrial complex unelected shadow players
I see so much of our talk around
Organizing and problem solving
Targeting the things that are not really causing the art of the the obstacles …targeting …politicians who are known are impotent to actually create real policy changes within the system and instead of trying to look at the obstacles and how power has been usurped and how we can develop a collective plan working together as a people to take our power back we're talking about how we get the politicians and get different politicians in place and not even acknowledging that that has been a failed strategy even when we are successful because when we get progressives and or or or maybe I'm
Some out we may disagree with people on the other side of the aisle with who are conservatives but respect some people …on that who have old school ideals around at least trying to adhere to some of the better constitutional promises
That this country was founded on not that there aren't some really messed up promises within …that it that the foundational structure itself
So you know we get so caught up in analyzing each story
…and we should we should talk about the story I'll talk a little bit about south rich and in a in a few minutes but
I think
Up we need to be getting it we need to really break it down even further than that and get to a foundational level of why we can't have the real conversations
People understanding
The reality of the situation or an
…you know when you look at the south ridge story
You know when you when I was watching the latest article that came out now and all the headlines how …you know the trump administration was briefed on the south ridge story and how they're they're they're doing what they always do they trot they draw these connections there's no real connection between trump administration and the south rich story but if they can you know they can say do a lawsuit that says that the trump administration had been briefed and thus they were part of a plan to use this story to plant
All people
That trump has been so effective for that if %HESITATION
…for it for …after skating real crimes because if you put it in the terms of Donald Trump or you put it in terms of politicians people don't like or an administration people don't trust they don't actually look at any of the underlying data they're just like trump is evil trump is bad we hate trump trump is doing this and it's so perfect for them to be able to not have to hold accountability they've been doing this about everything they they they they channel everything through Donald Trump
And …scapegoat Donald Trump for basically what they are all doing %HESITATION
So that's what they've done with the south ridge story now you know we had the article that came out last week
After that was a forensic at all investigation into …the DNC servers and
It basically exposed what they look like data was up loaded …onto DMC servers on the east coast and it looks like that goal for that was to free again %HESITATION
For a Russia
To to implicate Russia in something that Russia was not part of
…because that the fraud that occurred in the two thousand sixteen election was internal the mass fraud that occurred in in in the primary campaign was
Against Bernie Sanders and I know a lot of people in the election integrity activist community are like Hillary Clinton was stolen bottle frigging shit
I don't buy that for a minute because that yeah if you have to look at how power dynamics really work
Hillary Clinton …was backed by the true true power interests that pulled the strings within the Republican Party
So if you looked at her list of info endorsements which grew by the second over on the Washington post you would see the top neo conservatives within the NSA the department of homeland security the CIA and you would see %HESITATION
You would see I am
…bush administration officials Dick Cheney all the people who have been associated with pulling the strings with election fraud in the past
Our our indoors are are coming over to endorse the Democrat
So when the power interest of the Republicans are vested in the Democrat why in the world do you think they would they would they would they would be cheating for the other candidate and who else would I had the infrastructure in place to to do such a kind of cheap after they just did a mass cheat through the program
Democratic primary the whole thing was a fraud there flipping both left and right they're purging people off the registration rolls they were copiers cheating before our eyes it was cool
And so you know you see the like all it's like they they cheated Hillary Clinton bullshit they dead
You saw the exact same thing when I was watching Bernie Sanders votes I did a whole …Facebook social media thing where we were watchin the votes flip in real time and it will always be the same pattern that we watched mathematically impossible statistically impossible ways
Up every single time we would watch Bernie Sanders would come in with these huge huge huge huge believes and he'd start winning all the counties and then all the sudden every you know I mean not all you know you there and there were places where they were able to pull pull it off they didn't do it everywhere because they were just targeting spurts certain places that they needed to win but you'd see it see all the sudden the votes we just flip
Counties overwhelming it's like all of a sudden these latest votes came and
And and and and and and it filled in for Hillary Clinton always help filled in for Hillary Clinton in the exact same numbers that it would take for her to to to to just just stuff like that when
So you know when you look at what happened with Donald Trump
And the popular vote Donald Trump was I had two million votes and forget election night and then it was only after the fact that it was flippant and flippin and all the sudden the numbers went from him to her
…and what happened I I believe is that Tom
I really do believe that there was such outrage Hillary Clinton never when the primary so she never had that the actual foundational numbers of support the Republicans hated her independence didn't wanna millennials didn't whiner and there was such a push back that day that there was an overcoming of the margin of cheating
And you know and it it's another thing you know it's it's it was really you know something is very wrong with us as an election integrity activist community
…that we would ever have been trying to get Hillary Clinton elected after we knew that there was a co and the primary what is wrong with people that we would think that it is somehow somebody who would cheat us out and steal our rights and steal our voice in an election that we're gonna than fight because we're free to Donald Trump to elect her an advocate to get her in what the hell is wrong with us why would any election integrity activist ever fight to get a candidate who cheated the primary in place
And that's what I'm talking about with our lack of vision I mean you know it's like you see you don't get our support we're not gonna all the sudden you steal our vote Dominican to go an advocate for you and try to try to fight to get UN I mean that's how that's how lost we are
I mean you know it and %HESITATION
I mean and of course that the bigger story is the whole thing was a lot anyways because it was an election it was Hillary Clinton who was put forth as the as the candidate that we were gonna have no matter what and then we had Donald Trump who was elevated by the media as part of a plan which we have the email for the pied Piper email as part of a plan to bomb
…blackmail the country into supporting Hillary Clinton in the general election which is why he got you know billions of dollars of free coverage and he he he got he got X. coverage to the exclusion of everybody else and he was also used to black out Bernie Sanders
You know so when you see the south ridge story what is happening now is there like
Donald Trump
Donald Trump …you know in in his administration colluded to I do this to obfuscate from the lie that we've made up
And with another lie it's
But getting back to the consortium news story
…and the fact that we see
We literally have evidence
That they were planting data to frame another country to improve …implicate Russia for the fraud that they committed
If people are going to not be able to understand that if they can do that
That it's very easy for them to be like do something simple with the media manipulation and put people in to …brief Donald Trump or people who are who are supposedly advocating to get the truth out actually want to
Move forward in a way that they will be are actually serving as a way to discredit that the story %HESITATION
These kind of manipulations are to be expected …we can't I you know it's like that you know of fox news arm is corporate owned media is askew now is is is is …all the media outlets are are this thug media
It's live if people can't understand that %HESITATION
We have a country that is capable of them
Framing another country
For the crimes that we commit
And then
Putting forth sanctions on them then …putting forth war policy on them then putting forth them
All these machinations to expand the scope this M. M. empire system that we have
People are not gonna get the fact that they could I just get around any one story with and that …and and and use highly manipulative tactics to %HESITATION
You know basically disparage at by trying to %HESITATION
You know basically infiltrated
That's part of
And if people can't understand that
It's happening all my comments are going I'm losing all my viewers
Yeah it this is fascinating I can't get comments from you guys and %HESITATION
I was a coordinated bot attack
Whatever whatever they're gonna do their I'm
I know this is it's the
Yeah we are in Syria that
While I've never seen this happen before
I've never seen comments flash like this before ever
As I was saying %HESITATION
I'll try you %HESITATION
I'll try to see who it is who I need to block
What do you do I need to block guys
Of course they're trying to block me because I'm trying to talk about the way this really works
Oh yeah they flash yeah I know I know
Well I'm gonna I'll you know
I know I know
To the people who are doing this kind of shit you know what I I you know I have to ask you the people who who signed up on board to do
Their censorship of people on social media the way they screen social media the way they spy on people the way they do use troll campaigns to do hats
My question to people like this is what the hell are you doing
…you do in you you know it's one thing you know when you look at that the top players in the us and you know they get tons of money they own the world they get power control but these low level people at the bottom what do they get they took what they get in return for selling out their fellow citizens what did they get in return for standing with things that are gonna harm their own family I mean what I mean is that you know this is a choice individually
…recycling account
Poking this keeps happening even when I have great strain this keeps happening I'm so it's like I'm gonna have to start doing non live videos and just upload them because this is just getting absolutely out of hand
But yeah the censorship is gonna be wild and this is how they keep control because they need to keep people ignorance %HESITATION
They need to …keep you know they didn't