Goodmorning/Night Everybody!
As today is the beginning of The First week of 2021, I want to Start this Week with An Article about CryptoCurrencies by A Question ( HOW DO WE KNOW WHICH CRYPTOCURRENCY IS THE BEST FOR INVESTMENTS )
So Let's Get Started!
As Buying and selling currency codes is one of the most lucrative ways for activists in this field. But which digital currency is better for investing? How do we know if a currency is growing?
Usually, if we ask someone if they know the digital currency market, you will probably hear words about bitcoins or some famous currencies, and usually there is no mention of more than 5,000 market currency codes!
Meanwhile, some currencies are growing very well and some currencies are scams or frauds. It is important to be able to identify what currency to invest in that is firstly profitable and secondly safe.
I could find six points that are important points to consider to minimize the probablity of market risk, which is an integral part of any business.
1.Check the white paper currencies carefully!
Every digital currency offered must have its own white paper. White Paper, which should be in full detail, addresses the provider company background, goals, strategy, concerns, and timeline of blockchain projects.
Studying white paper can give you an overview and give you good details about that currency.
A good white paper should answer the following questions:
What is the specific offer of selling this project to its competitors?
What is the vision of the project managers and what path do they choose to succeed?
What steps does the company take to succeed?
What are the uses of this token?
Studying this white paper and its supplementary resources will help you to know the financial models, SWOT analysis, legal concerns and the development path of this project.
SWOT analysis, which stands for Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat, addresses strengths and weaknesses as well as threats and opportunities.
If that company does not offer white paper, this should be considered a negative point. Because the probability of being scam is high.
2.Get to know the management team well!
Be sure to invest in tokens that have a specific management team. People who have already participated in important and successful projects and are among the most prominent in a field.
If a project does not have a specific development and management team, it is less likely to succeed and even more likely to be scammed.
The important thing is that many people try to write a biography for themselves! So be sure to have a thorough and comprehensive study so that you can know the background of the people well.
You need to be careful that the token you are looking for does not get involved in illegal issues. Sometimes a token can be activated for purposes such as gambling. In that case, you may have committed an act contrary to the law.
4.What problem does this token solve?
Be sure to ask yourself what is the advantage of this token and what knot it unties.
Digital currencies that are created to solve a problem are usually more successful.
Investing in such currencies can be very lucrative. Especially if it solves a big problem
5.Check the process of selling tokens!
It is important to be aware of the process of selling tokens. If the company does not show this trend and is not transparent and it is not possible to track that specific currency, it can increase the likelihood of being scammed.
There is no reason for a company to hide such cases!
So if you come up with something out of the ordinary, then they have to re-think their position.
6.Consult trusted and knowledgeable people
As you know, it is not easy to find all the information of a company. Especially if we are newcomers.
So consulting someone who knows the digital currency market well is always a good option. Of course, if we consider some points.
The first point is that the person really knows how to work. A person may consider himself dominant but does not have the right analysis, never profits and is always at a disadvantage.
Secondly, one must be honest so as not to mislead you.
Also, do not forget to be diligent in protecting your wallet information and never share that information with anyone. Because it can cause fraud.
The last words!
The cryptocurrency market has always been associated with huge profits and, of course, huge losses. If you do not know the market well, you are a good prey for scams.
Things like Theron Bank, the zero price of a currency, mining malware, American Tour browser theft, and so on are all examples of market problems if you are not aware enough.
Please, be sure to follow practical and useful trainings in this field to be safe from these risks and the market will show you only its profit.
Thanks For reading!
Have A Profitable Week
Yay! 🤗
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