Hire a local Ghana Graphic Designer to make a new flag if your serious! but just keep moving on! keep postingman, you cannot care about newbies lack of upvotes, just keep posting tell THEM t keep posting, whe i started i would make $0 posts and i kept gpoing, this is more social media than getting paid
Explain to new users that there is no garuintee of making money, we ca nnot be responsible for every new user, we are simply FILTERING out the peopel who actually add value and those who dont
So start postiong real posts and less of this fluff, this is just fluff, its like poem, its not essential, you should focus on REAL posts, do what @steem4depoor and @xpency and @tj4real and @mcsamm are doing, do more posts abpout REAL thinsg and less fluff,
talk less about "love" and "family" and talk more about Electricity and Wifi and infrastructure
make posts about REAL stuff and not fluff and do more posts with @desmond41 about Land Acquisitions!
Please dont just make a low quality post like thsi and give up for the day~! you need to do one of these AND post REAL photos for teh dy!
I BELIEVE IN YOU MAN I BELIEVE you an make $100s a day!