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RE: Ghana To Welcome Steemit On Digital Billboard & Newspapers>>>a step further to Promote Steemit>>>

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Ghana and Nigeria, even though they don't border each other and Benin and Togo and even Senegal? are in between them, they STILL have similar people culture music language even, and the United States, well we have similar situations... like New York and Massachusetts, Nigeria would be like New York State, and Ghana a smaller but still large Massachusets, and so just like states in USA working together, West African nations can work together and have less trade barrioers, use crypto as your currency of exchange

its gonna be incredible

we may yet see Ghana become as rich as an EU nation or richer!

The Ghanian banks just have to take the risk and buy into crypto now while its cheap!

The Ghanian Banks can be AHEAD of the game and buy LARGE stakes of Crypto BEFORE the big western banks like ING and Goldman Sachs start to buy their LARGE stakes