A Great Appreciation to Steemit's Friends Who Have Been in the Event of "Gathering Steemian in Steem City"

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


Dear Steemian

A month ago the Steemians in Indonesia were busy following the Indonesia Steemit Community Meet up event held in several areas both in Aceh and elsewhere in Indonesia. In several meetings the various agenda concepts were prepared by the executing committees in their respective regions. Different places certainly different concept of activities carried, this is due to conditions and agreements berrsama the organizing committee Meet up the already held. With the Promo-Steem "Meet & Greet" event many of the Indonesian Steemians know more about the figure of friends who often exchange ideas in social media Steemit.


When I interviewed simply, a lot of Steemian who admitted the Meet up and Gathering is very supportive of the development of Steemit. They frankly say that with the implementation of events like this will get a different impression and sensation. I myself also feel that the experience we get here is not easy to get at other meetings. When it comes to "Gathering Steemians." It's true that in the realm of his discussion of the development of the Steemit platform, the average is almost the same as that discussed in other meetings. Nevertheless, the old discussions are still being discussed but the themes that follow the development of Steemit itself, so we can improve the experience of cryptocurrency and some new projects in Steemit.


A great appreciation to Steemian who has been present in the event of Steemian in Steem City Gathering. They are the "Meet Up Hunter Team" as executors who have taken the time to hold this very happy event with the theme "Sharing Relax Steemian Indonesia, Realize Togetherness & Relationship". The event took place at A Mami Siti cottage (Jamboe), Ujong Blang Beach, Lhokseumawe Town. The event went well and ended successfully.


This is where we follow up about the activities we have participated in previous events. Although there are among Steemian who already know one and the other. Hereinafter we share our experience and kesullitan that we passed during managing account Steemit, feel happy because can join with Indonesia Steemit Community . So Relationship and communication continue to be well established where and whenever apun. Naturally fellow Steemians care for each other to the problems faced, here we find a solution about a problem between the Steemian. Hopefully this intimacy becomes a great kinship for all of us to continue to provide support and keep the relationship & togetherness.


My Patners:

@pojan @ponpase @adilvakhri




good job @bangmimi best regards friendship #KOKAM-spy @rahmads

Salam kembali aduen metuah yang meubahgia @rahmads

Luar biasa.
kebersamaan membawa keberkahan.
Keberkahan membawa kedamaian.
Kedamaian membawa kesenangan .
Kesenangan membawa kebahagiaan.

Kapan tu bnng

Nyan pengulangan kata yang intelektual pake bang @maulidin-alasyi wkwk

Yes. I like it bangmimi, jreengg jreengg

Kuning-kuning buat langsat, jreng-jrengg!

Puyer 16 ada @pojan? :D

Meetup is the best way to get support!

Yes, it's true my sister @anggreklestari

hope meetup every time anywhere :D

I'm sorry about my grammar :D

We are steemian :D
Salam buat @ponpase @pojan dan @aidilvikri Steemians muda yang menginspirasi :D

Saya tidak di salam bang @dilimunanzara? haha

Ngapain awal-awal salam, lusa kita jumpa lagi. kami ikuti jejak senior Meetup huter :)

Nyan ka Can lawetnyo

Kamo katinggai ulikot


Maju mundur cantik, yang tidak cantik berarti manis seperti saya :D

Ayo bangunkan singa yang sedang tidur terkapar-kapar dalam diri anda brother!

keren bang mimi


Apanya yang keren bang :D

Good job !

Okay terimong geunaseh rakan @ziapase

Ne bantu lon ek level adun, netik upvote & komen meu saboh .. Hheee