What are the benefits of # promo-steem for people who do not understand the technology and do not have the facilities to join?

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


Good night all the people around the world, may we selslu in good health always.
Today I was surprised by a question from an elderly father, who lives in the village. The activities of the days just go kesawah and also work as construction laborers.

As I sat next to the father the father asked:


  • Father: what clothes are you wearing?
  • Me: team suit #promo-steemrural in doing the promo-steem, (and I also explained the mission and vision # promo-steem).
  • Father: What are the benefits of #promo-steem for us who are old and do not know the technology even we can not buy HP to be able to join in social media.!

Hearing the question, I stopped and tried to reply as best I could.

  • Me: Many benefits # promo-steem works very well, lots of great people who have joined in #promo-steem around the world, even to our area #Aceh (Indonesia) and many have joined. Maybe you can not use social media but your child and brother can. For example, by joining #promo-steem we can get acquainted with new friends and can learn from people who are already smart, and also they can help a little family economy.
From this story there is one question in me, I start with a short story, where I know a very old grandmother who is blind, she lives alone and all work done by herself, Can people who participate in # promo-steem can help people like him ... ???


I'm sure # promo-steem will continue to advance thanks to great people in it, and will benefit a lot for everyone.
thank the senior seniors and our friends @suheri, @binjeeclick, @khusairi and also for master # promo-steem namely Stephen @stephenkendal and matt @Starkerz and Dylan @Anarcotech.

Cerita seorang nenek yang sangat buat hati sedih.

yes this is a very sad story