Just another leisure time and I steemit is just the place to be. Becoming creative in steemit it a lot of work and not really as easy as people say it is . After posting to get several followers or individuals to upvote your post is a thriving situation
Having someone to assist you in steemit is really crucial to guide you on what do and what not to do that's why I have my mentor giving me guidance @gutzygwin
The main key to getting good upvote in steemit is to post interesting topics that captivate and inspire the mind of the readers Steemit gives us the opportunity to earn as we post that makes our story worth something
The key question now is making your post relevance great
I recently started some promo Steem activities to ensure I get more people to steemit because the more the merrier so far so good it has been great
Just mainly post earn and have fun on the platform it really is a great place to be its worth you time
Thanks upvote comment subcribe