When Steemit Incubator hosted a Dolphin and a Whale!

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


History was made on Saturday 20th January as Steemit Incubator founded by my wife, @temitopebanks and myself, hosted the amazing Nigerian Steemit Ambassador -@tojukaka and of course we got 2 for the price of 1 because we were truly blown away by the presence and very insightful contributions of the terrific Terry, @surpassinggoogle


who took the Facebook Group chat to a whole new level. We can't thank both of our guests enough and we really look forward to something bigger. Y'all just watch out for the announcement.

The online 'hangout' was indeed a mind-opening and mind-blowing session. About 15 questions were asked in all, with 127 comments and participants from literally all over Nigeria and the rest of the world.

Truth is, this post alone cannot do justice to the wealth of information shared in that 2hours+ conversation...the context, the content, the contrast...

Below are just a few excerpts of the information shared (and you can go on to www.facebook.com/groups/mybravewealth to get the full gist before we close the group's comments for the particular thread this weekend)


Below are just like the summary of 2 questioms and and answers but trust me, there's so much more!

  1. To the question from @temitopebanks on whether it is okay to use bots on steemit:

@tojukaka responded thus:

"Yes! It's okay to use bots. But I still have my reservations for bots. Some of them are very useful but they can be abused"

@surpassinggoogle had this to say:

"I hardly got to use bots. They werent in existence in my time and neither was delegation or rentage of delegation. Those features came with a hardfork upon consensus so cant be said to be bad. Infact, nothing can be said to be bad on steemit...If...you want to use bots, then go for it. Essence of bots in reality is promotion. There is also promote post where you send sbd to null and a certain account comes to vote you, you can use that too. The account that will vote you is powered by some steemians etc. but it still has small powers. I prefer behind the scenes, that may not be your style. Where i am from no much noise, create magic without much of the noise but that's me and it doesn't have to be you. So i prefer even with bots to stay mid section, i wont aim to trend. I will create small magic in my own world without any alarm. If you want to use bots, put effort still in content. And use bots for a purpose with more long lasting essence than a few bucks. It is never about the bucks, it has [to] always be[en] about you"

  1. To the question: What's the best strategy (or combination of strategies) to optimize one's posts on Steemit? Basically, how best can one make good money?

@tojukaka's response was epic. He said:

"Quality content...Socialize. Some people are "paid" to upvote quality content" He also quoted @stellabelle who once remarked that:

">quoteThe currency of steemit is relationships
Build relationships with people. The more lives you are able to touch, the more steem you mine" -Leah Stella Stephens

@surpassinggoogle's take on that question was:

"What is rewarded on steemit is not content in reality. It is more of value. You will need to read this post. Read between the lines. Understand the underlying concept. Break it down in terms of "life", the real world. Forget the theories! https://steemit.com/steemit/@surpassinggoogle/rewardpoolrape-is-an-illusionary-word-nothing-like-that-existed-on-steemit-why-the-trending-steemit-posts-are-really-trending

[Please take time to read his post linked above]

Toju then added his thoughts on 'content':

About quality content. I believe that they is an objective standard for quality content. Yet most of what is quality content is very subjective

What may be quality content to you may not interest others. If you put in a lot of work to a post, it will show.

Yet some of my posts that trend are what came out of me spontaneously.

Finally be true to your innermost self. Be honest with [yo]ur passion. It will attract people to you

However, for me (and I hope it was same for most participants), Terry dived deeper with his remarks on content. Here's what he said in response to @temitopebanks' enquiry about how to know what really constitute quality content on Steemit:

" Nope, technicality, stunt, rare knowledge, the substance of you. Everyone can write posts, content is something else. You have to shake the places with your presence. There are a ton of posts. You have an edge and its you and in the rare knowledge that the rest of the world doesnt have. Too, timeliness of content. "earthquake will happen in 5 mins", may be more valuable than an entire whitepaper post, if earthquake did happen in 5 minutes. Forget post, length and all. Bring you. All the things you constitute before steemit, innovation ideas that never came to life or where forgotten cos of an unenabling enviromoent and restore these to life. Forget money. Shine, money will seek you out. On steemit, there is money but there people who never earned but got opportunities, then there are people who haste and get just the tip of the opportunity and let it get into their heads and consider themselves smart or smarter than others when those who know, know they have got the tip. So "you are whale" to me, is where it all starts. Let the whales seek you out. Let the be happy because YOU came into their life. SP is certainly not you, money is certainly not YOU. Content overall is subjective and sometimes even priceless, so why look for an amount. YOU will ring out your very definition every time and will draw partnerships your way, cos you are defined and unshaken and the big players do want that, regardless of your wallet. Pacing is essential, esle you may make money and stuff, but your journey may not be deeply-rooted. What we talk about here shouldnt concern steemit, it should be steemit and beyond. life"

Dear Bravehearts, I wish I can tell you everything we shared but alas! You'd have to come get the knowledge by yourself.

You can join the Facebook Group here: www.facebook.com/groups/mybravewealth

Or you can join the Steemit Incubator on WhatsApp using this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/931TJ2Q8Eov3xKKAxvGbdV

Undoubtedly, Steemit is changing lives and we are going to keep doing our best to make sure more people benefit.

boldAbout Steemit Incubator


Founded in 2017 by couple @fifebanks & @temitopebanks, Steemit Incubator is a mobile-based Steemit-focused Incubator helping more Infopreneurs and Techpreneurs maximize the opportunities that the Steemit platform offer)

Our amazing community include Bravehearts like @iamdayosamuel @kaynosh @keziahsglow


Thats was about the best exposure i have had on IT related issues in a long time. Not even my four years computer science degree could measure up to it.
@tojukaka displayed a wealth of knowledge
@surpassinggoogle got me "wowing" with every of his response to questions.
@temitopebanks and @fifebanks what can i say? You are simply amazing!

Hello bro.
Thanks for hosting me.

im just seeing this

please continue doing what you do. you are surely going to rule here