Hey dan, I saw the pics of the meetup on @jaybird's blog.
Nice little creative get together :D
I've been trying to reach out to you a bunch of times about the steemit-health one-minute-meditation thing...
I miss it, and I'd like to revive it... but it's your baby so I'd be super happy if I could do it in a way that you would appreciate, too. I don't want to be a kidnapper if you know what I mean...
I have registered @omm a while ago to host the "one minute meditation" and I'd want to create a reward-distribution post similar to what you had going.
Do let me know what you think... I don't want to steal your idea but I do miss the initiative a lot!
Let me know how to get in touch... I'm most easily found on Discord (fraenk#6694)
Thanks @fraenk. I’ll try and reach out on Discord tomo. Steemit-health was one of a few things that just fell off the priority list. I miss it too but it was a lot of work for how much income it generated. I haven’t written it off completely but it doesn’t look like it’s part of my near future plans. But let’s chat cause there may be some options. Sorry for my MIA-ness
ah... finally, there you are :D
awesome, I'll be waiting to hear from you!