I'm.in the second flag war with the vegans...
And!!! Kicked out of the "only cannabis group on steemit"
Also kicked out of the vegan tribe over cowfarts!!! Lol
Got a bunch of friends to sign up? All ghosted the platform.
Held the Portland meetups. No love and even got hammered with flags for promoting it.
So yeah not sure that this is going to have a meaningful impact. Honestly.
Hoped this would provide me and dog with something regular.
Sure has gotten tight and most people left and the rest got pretty petty.
There are some good people left. Some.
But I'm gonna blaze it!!! The vegans can't bully me silent! Crazy how they react with threats and intimidating behavior over nothing but free thought.
However? I've seen some funny Stuff.
I remember the $0.05 flag. It was glorious. The sole reason to cancel a meetup.
Yep why the fuck would I hold a.meetup anymore if you are going to flag my efforts.
Since then there has been a great fall of Grace across the blockchain. Steemit has definitely gone to the dogs.
Like the snide remark from you. Which cements my decision not to continue holding the longest running meetup.
It never got any support or love. So yeah why should I care about making the effort to engage with others if it's like that?
Not like you ever came or promoted it..
But here's a vote for being you.