I just read a blog called
I commented that
In defence of all the newbies I have to say that it is very hard and confusing when you join steemit and you are not a tech wiz. There are so many different terms and tools ect. A lot of it made only sense to me after weeks of research, I don't really know why things are being made so complicated.
I personally have read enough articles where users are trying to explain steemit that contain half true facts or are only somewhat correct.
Which I only found out by cross referencing multiple sources. That is tedious and wastes too much time.
So my biggest call for developers would be to try and simplify, not everyone is a coder and for steemit to really make it as a social platform, everybody should be able to use it from day one. (My grandma uses Facebook with ease) Otherwise it will stay an insignificant playground for geeks. So promotion is important but I think it is equally important to try and help make it easier for those new members to find their way around or else they will lose interest pretty fast.
Still kudos for launching this contest and trying to promote steemit.
It will be a gain for all of us.Where @ana-maria held a contest and was shocked by how little newbies knew about how steemit works.
First of all im not part of the dev team you should relay your message to them.
Second, I somewhat agree with you. Steemit is definitely harder to in order to understand everything... however when you look at the basics, its actually a blogging platform. And making a blog post isn't harder than any other blogging platform.
In my opinion, if you only look at it as a blogging platform, its quite easy to use if you take a day or two. I am sure your grandmother didn't understand facebook in one day...