rules we should know about how to do a promo-steem and use the promo-steem tag

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


I feel there is still not understand about the rules and how the steemit promotion done by friends steemit because I see many postings that do not have kaitanya with the promo-steem but there are still many steemians who use the tag #promo-steem and #steem-ambassador. but we often see and read the post of the #promo-steem team but why there are still many who ignore the rules that have been set or indeed the campaign is still lacking so there are still many steemians who do not know or have not understood the rules that apply to the #promo-steem tag or indeed the steemians deliberately doing that.

saya merasa ada yang masih belum mengerti tentang aturan dan cara kerja promosi steemit yang dilakukan oleh teman-teman steemit karena saya banyak melihat ada banyak postingan yang tidak ada kaitanya dengan promo-steem tapi masih banyak para steemians yang mengunakan tag promo-steem dan steem-ambassador. padahal kita sering melihat dan membaca postingan tim promo-steem tapi mengapa masih banyak yang mengabaikan aturan yang sudah ditetapkan atau memang kampanye yang masih kurang sehingga masih banyak steemians yang tidak tahu atau belum mengerti dengan aturan yang berlaku untuk tag promo-steem atau memang para steemians sengaja melakukan hal itu

I sincerely hope that steemians follow the rules that have been determined by the #promo-steem team for our own good for the future. The rules that apply to the #promo-steem tag are as follows:

saya sangat berharap agar steemians mengikuti aturan yang sudah di tentukan oleh tim promo-steem demi kebaikan kita sendiri untuk kedepannya.
adapun aturan yang berlaku untuk tag promo-stem adalah sebagai berikut

• A post which contains information about a promotional event, including pictures or video as evidence.
• A post which contains useful information or resources that may help or assist another promoter.
• A post which is advertising an upcoming event or activity, or calling for supporters to come and join in.

• Introducing new Steemians who you have brought into the platform.
• Telling a story, or giving advice or information that inspires and motivates promoters.
• A post which contains information which is of direct benefit to the #promo-steem community. This could (for example) be statistical, technical info, related to promoter mentoring, a promoter business opportunity, bounty for promotional work, proposal for funding for a promotional initiative, a meetup, workshop or community project (etc). • Recommendations or suggestions to the whole #promo-steem community

Examples of Low quality posts to the tag which will not be accepted:

• Holding up a steem banner, or a mobile phone showing E-Steem app, with no context or information about a specific promotional activity being carried out.
• A post saying why Steemit is great, without evidence of some form of promotional activity.
• A post which is clearly plagiarised from another users post and passed off as the authors own work.
• Upvote begging or attempting to game the system
• A post which has absolutely no relation to any form of promoting STEEM or the Steemit platform
• Severe violations of intellectual property belonging to Steemit Inc or any other STEEM related company


• Pos yang berisi informasi tentang acara promosi, termasuk gambar atau video sebagai bukti.
• Pos yang berisi informasi atau sumber daya bermanfaat yang dapat membantu atau membantu promotor lain.
• Pos yang mengiklankan acara atau kegiatan yang akan datang, atau meminta pendukung untuk datang dan bergabung.
• Sebuah posting yang berisi informasi yang bermanfaat langsung bagi komunitas # promo-steem. Ini bisa (misalnya) bersifat statistik, info teknis, terkait dengan mentoring promotor, peluang bisnis promotor, karunia untuk kerja promosi, proposal untuk pendanaan untuk inisiatif promosi, pertemuan, lokakarya atau proyek komunitas (dll).
• Memperkenalkan Steemian baru yang telah Anda bawa ke platform.
• Menceritakan sebuah kisah, atau memberikan nasihat atau informasi yang menginspirasi dan memotivasi para promotor.
• Rekomendasi atau saran untuk seluruh komunitas # promo-steem

Contoh posting berkualitas Rendah ke tag yang tidak akan diterima:

• Memegang spanduk steem, atau ponsel yang menampilkan aplikasi E-Steem, tanpa konteks atau informasi tentang kegiatan promosi tertentu yang sedang dilakukan.
• Sebuah posting yang mengatakan mengapa Steemit hebat, tanpa bukti dari beberapa bentuk kegiatan promosi.
• Sebuah posting yang jelas dijiplak dari posting pengguna lain dan dilewatkan sebagai karya penulis sendiri.
• Upvote mengemis atau mencoba untuk memainkan sistem
• Sebuah posting yang sama sekali tidak ada hubungannya dengan segala bentuk mempromosikan STEEM atau platform Steemit
• Pelanggaran berat atas kekayaan intelektual milik Steemit Inc atau perusahaan terkait STEEM lainnya

The above rule I take from discord #promo-steem written by @futurethinker on 04 / january / 2018 and I hope we all can follow this rule before we get warning from promo-steem team.

aturan diatas saya ambil dari discord promo-steem yang dituliskan oleh futurethinker pada tanggal 04/januari/2018 dan saya harap kita semua bisa mengikuti aturan ini sebelum kita mendapatkan peringatan dari tim promo-steem

Thank you very much to @stephenkendal @starkerz @anarcotech and the whole team of @promo-steem who have worked hard so far in helping us to do promotion. I am also grateful to all the steem ambassadors who never tire to give knowledge and knowledge about how we do our job in #steemit well and true in terms of doing #promo-steem.

terima kasih banyak kepada stephenkendal starkerz anarcotech dan seluruh tim promo-steem yang sudah bekerja keras selama ini dalam membantu kita untuk melakukan promosi.
saya juga berterima kasih kepada seluruh duta besar steem yang tidak pernah lelah untuk memberikan ilmu dan pengetahuannya tentang bagaiman cara kita melakukan tugas kita di steemit dengan baik dan benar dalam hal melakukan promo-steem.

hopefully we still follow the rules that have been set and become our guidance in doing the promotion properly and correctly.
thank you for reading my post and if this is useful then please share it so that others can see and follow the rules that apply in promo-steem.

join as promo-steemrural discord


President moderator of the #promo-steemrural






Great post. I would just add that the key to the success of promo-steem is threefold...

1: great promotional activities being referenced on well written posts.

There are so many ways to do high quality Promotional work. Find your own way, and if you can, be very creative. THe more unusual it is, the more likely it is to be picked up by Steem Ambassadors. Really think about how you prove the work. A picture of someone holding up a banner doesn't tell us what you just looks like someone holding up a banner, and hoping to get an upvote. It genuinely won't work!

2. the Steem Ambassadors curating well

It is important for the Steem Ambassadors to do their job well. We are right at the beginning, and only just starting to look at the statistics now, mainly because we've been so busy with things like the Cryptocurrency Show. But make no mistake, we will be speaking to all the Steem Ambassadors, and ensuring they understand the guidelines, and curate well. We will be checking the data, and making sure they do a sufficient amount of curation of the #promo-steem tag. Steem Ambassadors who do not meet the guidelines will have to answer to the community, who can remove them. This includes me too, if you guys think i'm not doing my job, you can elect to get rid of me. We want all the Steem Ambassadors to realise that they are completely accountable to the promo-steem community. I expect that there may be a few misunderstandings which we will rectify.

3. the SP in the @steem-ambassador account.

We are focussing on this big time now. We want to bring external investment in, not just rely on delegation from inside the existing STEEM community. There will be lots of news on this over the coming weeks I'm sure. But it's clear that we need to massively increase the power of the @steem-ambassador account so that we can reward more great promoters really well.

Please understand that we are doing our best to make this system work well. It's still very early days, and there are bound to be a few things that we need to fix...there always will be.

@starkerz and myself are working night and day (literally) to make the promo-steem guild fully transparent, decentralised and fair. And we will continue to do so. Ultimately the Steem Ambassadors will be the ones who highlight problems, and bring us the solutions that the community wants to adopt to make life easier.

Please bear with us, we literally are doing everything we can to make it work smoother for everyone.

Love light and laughter.
Anarcotech. x

thank you for letting me know the key to success from all this and I'm telling others so they know and understand how the promo-steem works.
thanks you very much Mr. @anarcotech

Lent you my vote to also support your work. Big thanks from insta-ßus .

The curation team that never sleeps.
You're welcome to participate in our initiative in promoting quality content creators on the platform to get upvotes and improve on content creating.

Keep up the good work.

thank you for your support and this is a passion for me working harder and producing my best content.
thank you very much guys

Good job friends ... You deserve an award from @steem-ambassador ... We will always follow you and your post for #promo-steem.

Thank you very much my friend. this will be a passion for me because you are always there to give me an appreciation.

penjelasan yang sangat penting.....untuk pemahaman menggunakan hastag...anda benar banyak yg slah menepatkannya...terimakasih atas penjelasannya...sangat membantu kami yang pemula...

saya harap juga demikian

@resteemator is a new bot casting votes for its followers. Follow @resteemator and vote this comment to increase your chance to be voted in the future!

a real informative post in using the tag