There is no doubt that one of the most important thing that we should have in blockchain technology is to have a large amount of community. Community is needed to create and distribute coins that managed by the system, the algorythym. Steem blockchain provides a very good way to have community, which is with a new model of social media that we all love, Steemit. Steem platform also really help other blockchain programs to develop, since most of other coins do not have social media as big as Steemit. By being content creator and curator, as well as creator of programs, we can help Steem blockchain to grow and to get other benefits as well. That is the reason why since the beginning I join Steem, my focus is to spread the news about Steem.
One thing that I concern about how we do promo steem is by telling everyone this platform is giving us reward, which is true, but we have to be careful with it. We do not want this platform to be used just to get easy/instant money, since we have to emphasize as well about the obligation to create good quality content, keep the ethic, respect, and care to develop this platform is a must. We have to bring value to get rewards, to help the price of Steem/SBD, and to develop Steem blockchain. I felt so sad and totally disagree to see Steemians fighting against each other and abuse Steem by begging for upvotes and delegations, or others. It will not help Steem at all, and in fact, those kind of behavior who make all of us difficult to grow, to get a better Steem/SBD Price. Being greedy in all reasons is not acceptable on blockchain.
I still remember when I was the only Steemian in my hometown, Bandung. It was not easy to introduce Steem, even to promote about the reward did not help me at all. Most people that I know are having their own income and they do not have that much time to post on Steem. They do not understand about blockchain either, most are even afraid because all the negative news that we received in media. One thing that make me able to promote Steem was about respect to originality and creativity, no plagiarism and quality is number one. Blockchain as a good place to record our data is also acceptable. Perhaps, most of people in Bandung are working in creative industries and education, those kind of things are more important than just to get money. Dignity and honor is a must.

The first time I did promo-steem in Bandung was with @jharyadi who are writing teacher and has his own community. I was able to get a few member of his community to join with Steem and still exist up till now, such as @cicisw, @ettydiallova, @gethachan, and @ahdajaudah. Then, I had another member to join from my own community, such as @ekonugraha, @gerryadiagusta, and @bobbychahya who help me a lot to create some videos to promo steem. I had a lot of helps to promo steem from them, especially after the queen of blogger, @alaikaabdullah is also joining us. I was travelling to Jakarta, Central Java, and East Java as well to meet Steemians over there and to promo steem. Then, afterward, I dare myself to organize the 1st KSI National Meet up in Bandung on February 2018, that more than 150 Steemians from different regions in Indonesia joined with me to talk about Steem and to get to know each other. What we did was impressive according to my opinion, we were on national newspaper and television.
Since then, I did a few online workshops to promo steem which organized by @ettydiallova ( , @alaikaabdullah (, and to some others writing community. It was good, though we still have to accept that it is not easy to do promo-steem in here. We have to be very patient and consistent. We can see that a lot of Steemians run away from Steem after the price of Steem/SBD fall down, they got upset but do nothing to help. What a waste of time doing promo steem just to have people like that, we need a better way and effective, and I realize we need to start from education.

I was silent for awhile and thinking that we supposed to do promo steem from above level, because it will be easier to talk to them and most people will listen to them. Their influence to the society is much bigger than us, as the ordinary people, they understand as well that blockchain is bringing something new which is very important for the future. Changing the economic system from centralized to decentralized will change the whole world, and we need those kind of people to do promo steem. I was waiting for the right moment to do it, and I felt happy when @starkerz told me that he and @anarcotech would come to Indonesia for South East Asia Blockchain Summit. I asked them to come earlier and I organized some events, start from giving seminar from campus to campus, in several regions, Aceh, Padang, and Bandung, and to meet important people in Indonesia, from government as well as from private companies. I am so happy when I got all the support from them all, including from the Minister himself, and @aspekti is the best association that able to understand and willing to take further to educate people about blockchain technology in Indonesia. Then voila! As we know, @aspekti and @oracle-d already signed a contract to built Indonesian Blockchain Technology Institute which is the history, this is the first time we can bring blockchain to the national level.
For the next step, we will have a lot of training, workshop, and seminars. I tried to communicate with others who involve in blockchain industry to educate people together. I do believe that by giving people a better information and to educate more people about blockchain technology will help not only to develop blockchain technology around the world, but for sure it will have a great influence to Steem blockchain as well. Especially when those entrepreneurs in Indonesia realize that they can get a lot of benefits from Steem to promote their companies by being investors and create a lot of programs on Steem. They are able to have their own tokens without ICO with SMTs programs on Steem as well soon. And the most important thing, they also have @oracle-d as well to help them to develop their business on Steem.
Anyway, I have to thank Indonesia Steemit Community, @ocd, @sndbox, @promo-mentors, @promo-steem, and @oracle-d who help me a lot to understand more about Steem blockchain. I hope we all can create more histories in this world to have a better future together with blockchain technology on Steem.
Bandung, 9th November 2018
Warm Regards,
Mariska Lubis
@mariska.lubis, Very good message, I think we are in the best moment in history to promote freedom in all areas. The blockchain technology came to mark a before and after in the world, impact technology, which does not seek its own benefits but the well comun.En the unit, we can add value to steem, and make this community a power in love, education, knowledge and solidarity. Thank you for being a woman of example, constant and with wishes that the world is a better place. God bless you and more wisdom.
Bagi saya steemit bisa menjadi media untuk mengembangkan diri dalam menulis dan tambah banyak teman. Saya menjadi stemian justru ketika harga steem melemah dan banyak yg meninggalkan steemit.
@mukhtarilyas, semoga kerja sama @aspekti dan @oracle-d dapat terwujud segera sebagai mahakarya tehnologi blockchain di Indonesia mbak @mariska-lubis, salam sukses.
Keren mbak videonya, mbak @mariska.lubis memang sosok yang sangat menginspirasi👍👍👍
Membaca postingan Teh @mariska. selalu menemukan suntikan energi untuk terys mengenalkan Steem blockchain ke khalayak ramai.
Thank You @Mariska.lubis - I enjoyed reading about all the history of steem blockchain developments in Indonesia - thank you for being the earliest of early adopters!
Wah sangat luar biasa. Semoga steemit jaya dimasa yang akan datang.