Today I continue my journey of doing the #promo-steem activity to the people in the countryside.
Currently many teenagers are busy everyday that is playing games. I think the game is of no use and even makes our time wasted in vain. Therefore I do #promo-steem to teenagers because everyday they are always active on the Internet.
Currently teenagers still have not joined the #steemit platform. So I did #promo-steem to them so they could write good scientific papers on #steemit. And I am this they are active on other social media that is not profitable and that there is just spending time on the social media.
Today I explained about the #steemit platform to one of the rural youths around where I live. I am trying to explain the #steemit platform to him. Finally he was interested in #steemit and asked me to register his steemit account with pleasure I helped register.
Actually to do #promo-steem it's not hard. as long as we want to do it and for now there are still many teenagers in the countryside do not know so deep about the #steemit platform. So I did #promo-steem to the people in the countryside.
More and more are joining on this #steemit platform so the more good posts and also quality. Let's do the #promo-steem activity.
I and the team @promo-steemrural will always do #promo-steem activity to others. I hope @steem-ambassador can give suggestions and also comments on my post this time for better future.
Thank you for :
@mcfarhat @bait002 @entrepreneur916 @danieldoughty @bahagia-arbi @xpency @rismanrachman @dilimunanzar @mariska.lubis @ayijufridar @kesolink @samiwhyte @suheri @reko @futurethinker @greatness96 @cryptocurator @nairadaddy @eurogee @tj4real @richforever @raymondbruce @ejemai @starlost @my451r @calebleejl @leotrap @jeanwandimi @starkerz @anarcotech
Good post rakan steemit @muhammadrizki96
Di vote back ya... Tks
Iya terima kasih kawan.
Get tgk
terima kasih telah membaca postingan saya.
good job my friend.
keep spirit.
Thank you my friend.