Give it your very best

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Each time you are given opportunity to do something, always put in your very best. You don't know the very action you would take that would announce you in the realm of glory

Everybody want a big and good tasks to show the whole world what we are capable of doing, but no one cares enough to cherish and handle with care those little and unrecognized tasks we have at hand

Do you know failure to do well in one or two little opportunities can cost you one big life opportunity, and the consequence can be a painful one.

A lot of us handle life the way we handle our tests and exams while in school. When it is test, you see people not giving their very best, but let it be exam, we all know how many sleepless nights we had back then in school...Smile

Can't we view it from this angle, if we do very well in our tests, it makes the exams to become easier, if we fail to do well in the tests, it makes the exam to become more tougher.

Tests are those little opportunities we all have in life, a lot of times, we treat them any how, and our lives exam becomes tougher.

Don't despise the little tasks while waiting for the big ones, use those little tasks as an opportunity to train yourself for the big tasks.

We have some set of other people, who value little tasks so much and they don't mind loosing the big ones over the little ones. They don't see themselves bigger or better than where they were currently, this attitude is wrong too. While giving your best to the little tasks, don't loose focus of the big ones.

Let me share the story of a carpenter who missed the golden opportunity he has been waiting for for despising the little opportunity that comes his way.

One young man came to him, he asked him to make 2 square boxes for him, the carpenter was considering the stress and the little money involved,he told the man politely that he can not do it. He was boasting about his CV,he said he is a furniture maker and not just a carpenter, another young carpenter saw the man, he asked him for what he wanted and the man explained to him.

He asked the man to come for the boxes the following day, the young carpenter has already done with the boxes by the time the man came around,he showed the boxes to the man and he was well pleased with them. When he presented the boxes in the company where he was worked, they sent for the carpenter for doing such a beautiful work in little time, and they confirmed him as the only one who would be making boxes for their products. This was the opportunity the young carpenter has been waiting for, he never believed it could come to him for making just two boxes

The story above is not a real story, but I think we can all find something to learn from it. If the first carpenter was told what was behind the two boxes he was asked to made, I'm very sure,he would put in his very best. But he failed the exams because he had already failed the test.

If we know the outcome of all our actions before we do them, I'm very sure, we would think twice before we do them.

Don't joke with any opportunity that comes your way, give them your very best, you don't know if that's is all you need to do to get to where you are going.

opportunity once missed can never be recovered.

Thanks for reading through....


Seriously, I read this and felt inspired and motivated. I admire your intelligence , presentation and indept message in the post and your wisdom/personality @ large.

*Exactly boss, you've said it all. Many tends to reject / had lost offers that ought to had made them great. I remembered when I was in primary school, one of our rhymes then was do your best and leave the rest...".All we need do is put in much effort in whatever task/thing that came across us an leave the rest to God, for I know he'd surely reward us bountifully! Such was the case of the first "" , his ego made him lost that life changing opportunity and we as individuals need to swallow our pride and take our mind off unnecessary rewards rather, carry out the task deligently so that Gods promises and plans to manifest in our lives and that reflected in the other carpenter's life. He embraced humility, hard work and did what he loved doing best without expecting any additional rewards but see how God elevated him.

Same reflected in the word of God, that "the humble shall be elevated and the proud shall be demoted"💖😘💝💞💗💕❤💟💝
Thanks dear💗❤💕💟💝❤💖💗💕💞😘💞💗💟

Thank you for always coming to my blog, I'm glad the write up has impacted you with knowledge, like the rhymes you mentioned, I knew it too, I think we need to visit those things once more, their are lots of things to learn from them.

You're most welcome boss💗💞💟.