His recent post just got me so emotional.
source youtube
He said I should not blog about him (@steem4depoor), but the question is why will some one ignore such a generous young hardworking young teacher, who is ever ready to tarnish his own image so that can feed his own students daily. The whole town is talking about him and some even say he should run for Assembly man.I have always known him to be a young diligent man who without hesitation takes risk and desires most about helping others and even forget who he is. He recently started a program on steemit that transformed my life. Thanks to him and all his sponsors @ackza,@tj4real,@reko,@bleepcoin and @steemitghana my shop was renovated into what he calls NEW LOOK STEEMIT HUB. Which will receive a grand opening in February.
I couldnt hold it when i watched this video.
These are the kind of people we need in our society. People who think more of others than themselves. In fact he has changed my very perception about life. Let join hands as we support this young man with deeper love for humanity.