I wish everyone in the Hive Community all the very best with the fork tomorrow and wish them good luck with the Project.
For me, there's no real point in moving.
No one listens to me anyway so it doesn't really matter.
I tried getting my message across for over +3 years about the Marketing, Promoting and the lack of Commercial Awareness in the Community and it was like talking to a brickwall.
Will be staying here and supporting those promoting #Steem.
Stephen, I think you ought to give Hive a chance. Change is in the air with the new project. With these changes, I feel it will be a rougher go for Steem from now on. Looks like 95% of the community will be moving anyways.
Looking forward to continuing to promote #Steem and #Steemit.
I wish everyone in the Hive Community all the very best with the fork tomorrow and wish them good luck with the Project.
For me, there's no real point in moving.
No one listens to me anyway so it doesn't really matter.
I tried getting my message across for over +3 years about the Marketing, Promoting and the lack of Commercial Awareness in the Community and it was like talking to a brickwall.
Will be staying here and supporting those promoting #Steem.
"Ride or die".
That's my motto.
Stephen, I think you ought to give Hive a chance. Change is in the air with the new project. With these changes, I feel it will be a rougher go for Steem from now on. Looks like 95% of the community will be moving anyways.
Where did you get this information?
It’s just an educated guess based on comments and people I follow. What say you?
Most people will keep posting on both chains. The price of either coin is a mystery to me.