I have taking it upon myself to propagate the gospel acording #steemit. Most of people are lost,as I was lost but thanks to @odsam2 who found me and brought me to light of steemit from the bondage of the sooo called facebook,twiiter, whatsApp and the rest.
School For SDG4 - The Steemit Blockchain is Giving ...
The weekly fruits program is fully sponsored by Steemit Community. Many powerful steemians are supporting the cause with upvotes.
Though am new in the society, when I see my fellow steemians I get the hope and feeling one I will be bettter off than when I use ro waist time the so called social media instagram,twitter,facebook etc. I need is your encouragement and upvote to empower me to go far in the spreading the #Gospel of steemit and make more disciples for #steemit.
Am counting on # steemains and the father like @ackza @cryptoriddler and the big bothers and sisters to upvote to help the the #outreach steemit!
Thanks for time reading. @qhuesiwusu1 #thesteemitPreacher