In this study researchers
using social construction theory
which was introduced by Peter L. Berger
and Thomas Luckman. With
using the three principal sociology
knowledge, that is to explain
dialectics between self (self) with
world socialculture. This dialectic
takes place in a process with three
'Moment'simult. First,
externalization (adjustment)
with social culture as a product
human. Second, objectivity, that is
social interactions that occur within
institutionalized intersubjective world
or experiencing institutional processes.
The third is internalization, that is the process
individuals identify themselves
with social institutions or
existing social groups
on where the individual becomes
its members.
Social construction is closely related
with human consciousness towards
the social reality of consciousness is
an important part of social construction.
Marx once explained a few
the key concepts of which are
human consciousness. Marx
mentions 'false consciousness' ie
nature of human thought
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