Introducing Steem & Steemit to USIM, Malaysia Through an Online Lecture - With Bahasa

in #promo-steem7 years ago (edited)


More than 200 students from USIM in the main campus at Nilai will open Steemit account. Besides that, the online lecture also involved USIM students who are at USM, Penang who joined the same lecture while participating in IMPACT 2017, a student competition organised by the School of Communication and Media Studies.

Jepretan Layar 2017-12-14 pada 21.19.21.png

Many questions were asked, and some have been answered while some haven't. This is in fact an opportunity for other Steemians to share their views and answers by replying to this post.

Everybody may help to answer the questions and post them.

Today on 14 Dec (Thursday) USIM students who are based in the main campus on Nilai, together with some other USIM students at USM watched the promo-steam & steemit videos made by @akbarrafs and @suhiel from KSI Chapter Banda Aceh with the support from Indonesian Curators, @aiqabrago and @levycore.

Here are the video footage of their activities, questions and answers ( Q&A) session regarding steem, steemit and blockchain:

The list of participants of the online lecture in promoting steem and steemit Indonesia - Malaysia:










Pengantar Memperkenalkan Steem & Steemit Kepada Mahasiswa USIM, Malaysia Melalui Kuliah Online


200 lebih mahasiswa USIM yang ada di Nilai - Negeri Sembilan dan mahasiswa USIM yang sedang beradi di Pulau Pinang dibawah asuhan Dr Siti Suriani Othman akan membuka akun di steemit.

Jepretan Layar 2017-12-14 pada 21.19.21.png

Banyak pertanyaan yang diajukan, ada yang sempat dijawab, dan ada yang belum sempat saya jawab. Kesempatan bagi rekan lain untuk menjawab.

Boleh menjawab di komentar, boleh juga melalui post tersendiri.

Hari ini, Kamis (14/12) mahasiswa USIM di Nilai dan yang sedang berada di USM menonton video promo-steem & steemit yang dibuat oleh @akbarrafs dan @suhiel dari KSI Chapter Banda Aceh atas dukungan Kurator Indonesia @aiqabrago dan @levycore.

Berikut cuplikan video kegiatan promo steem & promo steemit:

Ini daftar nama peserta dari USIM yang mengikuti kuliah online promo steem & promo steemit Indonesia - Malaysia:













amazing is you @rismanrachman, postingan ini membuat saya tambah semangat terima kasih sudah berbagi :) soal jawaban dari pertanyaan mahasiswa, ini minggu ke 3 saya di steemit jadi belum tau apa-apa karena pertanyaan-pertanyaan mereka juga hal yang ingin saya tanyakan hehehe :) keep it up :)

Ada beberapa yang sudah di jawab oleh rekan lainnya di komentar

Beretus komandan loen,,,, semua di pangkas dengan tuntas, hehehhehe

Komen saja dapat vote, hayeu

congrats on a successful promotion on steemit :)

Thank you for your support sir @bitrocker2020

Awesome work you guys are doing? Steemit is definitely useful for university student not only as an Exposé to the blockchain technology, but also as an outlet, either a creative or an expressive one.

200 students creating an account isn't small scale!

Any subsequent forays?

thank you for the appreciation.
me and we all still need to work hard to deliver steem and steemit benefits for all. hope you are happy to help.

Awesome! I can help if you want. 200 students with questions isn't easy to handle. I can offer to help be a member of your Telegram group to help answer the questions.

Memandangkan saya juga pandai bertutur dalam Bahasa Melayu sebagai seorang yang berwarganegara Malaysia.

Mari kita bekerjasama dan berkongsi sinergi!

Terimakaseh, sangat menggembirakan

Bertus, KSI go international

Ayo bantu jawab pertanyaan mahasiswa

udah bang

Keren banget! Salut untuk KSI banda Aceh!

Dengarin dong pertanyaan dan tolong jawab hehe

I heard the questions and basically the most important question is about the knowledge of what is blockchain itself, which can easily read in some literature or check this link : and Those links are easy to understand especially for students.

I would like to add a bit about this to make sure we all understand that cyrpto currency is blockchain system and different from usual money market. Usual money market is very much depend on the investors and the market, which influence very much on the price, as well as the politics and the financial situations of the country. Cryptocurrency is not like that, crypto currency price is very much depend on the investment, liquidity, developers, and community as well. This is very important to understand, to know exactly the role of all of us that took part and get involve with blockchain media social, to do the things right to help all of us to have a better world and a better future. Like Steemit, Steemit is not belong to a person, it is belong to all who join Steemit, @ned and others are the founders, so it means Steemit is very much depend on what we all Steemian doing in Steemit, as well as the price of Steem. The best thing is, we do not have to have money to invest in crypto currency like Steem, we can mine Steem Dollar and Steem as the cryptocurrency by being a content creator and curators. It means, we all have an equal opportunity to get income as well as to contribute to others to help them to get income as well, and the better we are, the better we can have the Steem Price. To get the money to our normal account, there are a lot of crypto currency bank, who can help us to redeem our money and take it cash in hand from the ordinary bank. Of course, there are some problems, to get people who do not familiar with social media, internet, and high tech gadgets, we can not easily get them to join in here, but, sooner or later, we can help them when all government in this world are using the blockchain system with the open wallet implemented in the government. No more centralized system which lead to corruptions, monopoly, and so on, but the people can control the government and really play important role. You may refer to the post that I wrote before :

In short, Steemit is not build for reward, but it is build to give us equal opportunity and have justice in everything, including to get income and to get involve in the community either our small community, or even bigger, country and the world. Hence, Steemit is strongly suggesting us to post original and good quality posts, since it is very much affecting to all others, and also to be involve and intens with the community, since we can not be alone and we need to learn how to share all the good things in here.

Well, this is just a basic thought that hopefully could answer the basic questions from all of you. Good luck and we all are waiting for you all to join Steemit and be part of history to make a better world, a better future.


Mariska Lubis

Saya mau jawab pertanyaan Arzima (kalau tidak salah, adek yg pertama tu)..Perbedaan steemit dengan media sosial lain, selain mendapat reward.

Steemit dibangun di atas sistem Blockchain dimana sifatnya desentralisasi. Artinya: servernya tidak terpusat (seperti media sosial lain), server steemit ada pada masing-masing user. Pengguna steemit memiki kekuasaan penuh atas akunnya. Dari mengelola wallet, dsb. Kemudian: Steemit bersifat transparansi tetapi tidak bisa orang lain menyalahgunakan data kita. Masih banyak lagi perbedaannya dek Siti, eh dek Arzima :D

terimakasih @akbarrafs saya juga terbantu dengan jawaban anda :)

Makasih akbar

Thank you for Using #promo-steem tag, Promote steemit by inviting your friends and your family!

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Saya mencoba membantu jawab adek yang becadar :

Tadi mengatakan bahwa,

"Bagaimana seorang miskin ni menggunakan duit digital untuk kegunaan sehari - hari dan dihasilkan dari steemit?"

Cara menggunakannya cukup simple, dimana adik bisa meng-konversikan mata uang digital seperti steem menjadi coin digital lain seperti bitcoin, ethereum,litecoin, bch, btg, xrp, nxt, etc..

Setelah itu adik bru bisa mengkonversikannya kemata uang negara dimana adik tempati,
Semisal indonesia berarti ke IDR,
Kalau malaysianya ke RM (Ringgit), dan kegunaan uang digital itu bisa adik manfaatkan untuk dapat membantu seperti pembayaran uang kulian, jajan, tambahan duit untuk membayar apartemen, dll. Semoga dapat membantu ya dik.

KSI buka cabang ke Malaysia 😂, mantaaappp!!!



KSI Chapter Banda Aceh

Satu lagi bang, buat bayar kopi #eh :)

It's so amazing..let'support KSI..

Han so cut KSI Banda

Saya menyimak sajalah. Hana pat jaweub lom

keren Bang
lanjutkan berkarya semoga sucses

Sangat luar biasa kerja abg saya yang satu ini, salut saya sama abg @rismanrachman...

Mksh dian ya, dirimu juga luar biasa

Mantap rakan

Bertuss hehe

keren pak rismanrachman, sepertinya saya perlu banyak belajar dengan bapak

Jadi malu saya