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RE: Advocating towards Financial Literacy | 7th Cebu Steemit Bloggers Meetup

in #promo-steem7 years ago

Woooow thank you sooo much for sharing your insights Aaron! Thank you for making a great sum-up of what just happened that day for the benefit of those who weren't able to hear our talks.

I am very glad how our discussion inspired you to become a more financially-sensitive individual. I am looking forward to having talks like this :D We'd also love to hear more from your financial journey soon enough :D

Yaaaay we are very much excited to share this advocacy with you, Aaron :) Please do start in sharing your learnings to your colleagues. Help us spread the Cryptocurreny and Financial Awareness on and off Steemit :D


No worries ate. Para sd ni dili ko makalimot sakng nakat unan haha. Cool kaayo mo na bunch of friends, determined kaayo ba nya I thnk its nice of you to share it.

You will be the first people to know of my financial journey haha. Manamok jd ko nnyo soon for that matter haha