I got involved in this project because I love the Steemit community and the friends that I have made here. The projects that have been built on the Steemit blockchain are incredible and the rest of the world should know about them!
On Steem, you can find friends that are interested in the same things you are so you don’t have to be a techie or developer to get involved. Just have a passion that you love to share with others and be willing to be consistent in your efforts to grow yourself and help others. Collaboration is how the Steem community grows!

Anyone that is grateful to Steem creators and developers for giving us this space to interact and collaborate with like-minded people should continue to share about Steem long after this Steem Social Media Blast Day is complete in order to continue to get the word out!
Sharing Steem with Others Via Social Media and Engaging with Friends

What I Learned
Twitter is my go-to when it comes to getting the word out about something because the engagement rate generally is high, especially if you are able to get engagement from social media influencers with lots of followers.
Having an opinion and sharing it generally garners attention. My opinion was that Steem is the best social media platform and is open to everyone to take part in, not just techies and developers.
The reason I take this position is because this is a question I have been asked many times by anyone new to the crypto space. They think they cannot get involved because they don’t know anything about tech and don’t want to learn. With Steem, you don’t have to.
I gained 20 new followers on Twitter during the social media blast and my posts/comments were liked 25 times. I made 10 comments and 2 shares on Twitter during this time. If I had had more time in my day, I could’ve gotten a lot more engagement but this is satisfactory to me for now.
I had started a Reddit account for this blast since I don’t remember my old one since I don’t use it often. I learned a lot from posting to Reddit, like some crypto subReddits don’t want you posting unless you have a karma of 20 or over. The reason for this is that they don’t want new spam, throw away accounts to be able to spam their subReddit. I can understand their viewpoint.
Based on what I have seen, Steem Social Media Blast Day with Tim Cliff, Promo-Steem, and Oracle-D was a success! Social media platforms were flooded with talk about Steem and there was decent upswing in the price of Steem. The price has since fallen off sharply but the crypto market has fallen across the board so its not surprising.
I’m grateful to have been part of this and I am looking forward to more fun in the Steemit community!

Thanks for sharing your thoughts about Steem Social Media Blast day.
Do you know if the images you used in this post are available for anyone to use? Do they need to be sourced? I would like to use them but want to make sure that I use them properly.
I have updated the GIF and photo with the proper photo credits. Thanks for helping me correct my mistake! As far as I know they are free for anyone to use in support of spreading the word about Steem.
I did not mean to imply there was a mistake. Sorry if it came across that way. Thanks for providing the sources.
Oh you didn't imply it! I made a mistake and was apologizing for it. I appreciate your help and your support. :)
Hi @socent!
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