I am absolutely hating the new COPA regulations and the movement that youtube has done to implement it is just sick. We'll see very soon how it all turns out. I confess I am trying to rescue my channel, don't misunderstand me, it's still a "service" to host the videos to embed them on my site and it has its own traffic to be able to be scouted and found by potential audience. Still, ALL networks are NOT my site, and thus only a took to reach and not become frustrated if they turn out to change for the worse. I won't rely on any, I'll use them as necessary tools to promote my work. Still I have to say the COPA FTC thing which I consider exceedingly censoring (parents should know best about their kids instead of wanting the internet to baby sit them) but I mean COPA is implementing on internet not only on youtube, so the fact that other platforms have not censorship does not make the individual liable for what they upload which is scary if you can't delete what you upload. Not trying to be gloom and doom, just hope they understand eventually that what the want is as good as massive internet censorship, but things as they are,the implementation is going to affect further and beyond youtube alone.
FTC (I'm Spanish but for americans) has a feedback page about their policy and such, lots of people are at least voicing the new implementation is abusive and in fact goes against freedom of speech.
COPPA is nothing new. It's youtube's own fault that they haven't implemented existing rules for collecting data about and advertising towards kids long ago.