Fuente: Pixabay
Green beans are a well-known vegetable in much of the world, but how much do you know about this vegetable?

Source: Pixabay
Depending on the country in which you live, you may have heard it named in different ways "" green beans in Mexico and Central America, beans, green beans in Nicaragua, beans in Costa Rica, beans in Colombia, Cuba, Panama, Honduras and Spain, green beans in Puerto Rico, vainitas in Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, green beans in Chile, beans in Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay ". In Spain they have different names according to the locality in which they live, the predominant name is "Green beans"

Source: Pixabay
There is not much accuracy with the origin of the beans, it is estimated that their origin lies in Asia, the countries that stand out in their production are
- China
- Turkey
- India
- Spain
- Egypt
- Italy
- France
- Thailand
- Netherlands
A well-known and appreciated vegetable in the kitchens of the world, in Germany it is very sought after for the preparation of its traditional dishes called "Birnen and Bohnen und Speck" the US chefs use it to prepare the "green bean casserole" a very consumed in festive times, the Chileans prepare their traditional dish called "el chacarero".
Green beans are very versatile when it comes to cooking, there are hundreds of recipes in which you can include these exquisite vegetables.
Green beans with mushrooms
Source: https://unareceta.com/judias-verdes-con-champinones/
Green beans to the gardener
Source: https://www.thermorecetas.com/judias-verdes-a-la-jardinera/
Green beans with peppers
Source: https://www.plusesmas.com/recetas/primeros-platos/ensaladas-y-verduras/judias-verdes-con-pimientos/
Curried green bean cream
Source: https://www.misrecetasanticancer.com/2012/10/crema-de-judias-verdes-al-curry.html
Another very practical and healthy way to consume this vegetable is through its juice, it brings many benefits to our body.

Source: https://joseabrahim.wordpress.com/recetas/jugos/jugo-de-judias-verdes-y-coles-de-bruselas/
It is very important to know that this vegetable is very beneficial for our body, by consuming we are incorporating vitamins and minerals in our body,

Source: http://www.practicavida.es/2017/03/15/la-funcion-de-las-vitaminas-y-minerales-en-el-organismo/
- The regular consumption of green beans in very beneficial and acts as "antioxidants" the agents responsible for this action are its components of "vitamin C and beta carotene."
- It is necessary to consider assiduously consume this vegetable, its consumption contributes to our organism "omega-3" that is very beneficial for the "cardiovascular system"
- The best ally of people suffering from problems related to "digestion and constipation" the component that helps with these problems are the "fibers" that this vegetable contains.
- If you want to maintain or lose weight, you should include green beans in your diet, remember that they are low in calories and contains fiber, which makes you feel more satisfied when eating this vegetable
- The consumption of green beans helps to keep our "blood pressure" normalized. Its potassium component prevents you from retaining fluid, very beneficial for those who suffer from hypertension.
Now that you know the benefits of green beans, what you think, or how many times you will consume this wonderful product
- Once a month
- Once a week
- Once a day
If you want to know more about the medical, scientific specifications and the benefits that the consumption of this vegetable brings, you just have to enter the links that I leave below.
Source: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ejote
Source: http://www.frutas-hortalizas.com/Hortalizas/Origen-produccion-Judia-verde.html
Source: https://www.plantas-medicinales.es/judias-verdes-beneficios-nuestra-salud/
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José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
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Wow amazing information you have shared. But tomato one side effect it increase the cholestrol an increase the fats in human. Which cause increase the weight of our body.
thank you very much for the contribution dear friend @ altafali01
see photo of the food tasted very delicious and delicious
Thank you very much dear friend @aminnullah
My sister won't agree but I love green beans. My family loves them raw with dip and "garlicky green beans". Thanks for the info.
Excelente amigo. Es cierto lo que dices, en mi país las conocemos como vainitas y son deliciosas. Gracias por compartir, feliz noche!
Thanks dear for sharing valuable information and recipe. @jlufer
buen dia ,saludos amigo
wow photos of food very tasty and scrumptious
thank you for sharing my friend @jlufer
ricos platos amigo eso se ven delicioso, las vainitas me encanta y la puedes utilizar en muchas comidas
wuaoo todo esos platos ya los quiero se ven muy ricos, la vainita es una legumbre exquisita
maravillosos platos bro, gracias por compartir
Do know indonesian food @jlufer ??
Do you know indonesian food @jlufer ??