How much do you know about food: I invite you to know "The benefits of the bean"

in #promosteem7 years ago

Fuente: Pixabay

The bean is a vegetable well known in much of the world, but.

How much do you know about this vegetable?


The scientific name of this vegetable is "Vicia faba" belongs to the group of "Fabaceae" although it is better known as bean.

Depending on where you live, you may have heard it named "Alubia, alvera, cartuchillo, fabera, fabolines, white bean, horse, horse, Spanish bean, cochinean bean, Castilla bean, Cullar bean, fang bean, bean of pigs, had incarnated, fat bean, large bean, thick bean, medium bean, moruna bean, black bean, bean bread, bean bread, bean paniega, bean bread, bean porcuna, bean porquina, round bean, bean tarraconense, bean tarragona , horse beans, beans of May, fat beans, panosas beans, habera, inhabits, dwells of Navarre, babatxikis (habatxikis), habones, habuca, habuco, jaba, jaruga, tabilla "

The bean has its origin in the "Old World". There is documentation where they claim that its cultivation has been practiced for thousands of years in "Afghanistan, Western Asia and the Himalayas".

The countries with the highest production are:

  1. Morocco
  2. China
  3. Peru
  4. Spain
  5. Bolivia
  6. Italy
  7. Mexico
  8. Turkey
  9. Syrian Arab Republic
  10. Iraq

There are many varieties of beans and they are grouped according to their appearance or provenance.

Long pod beans

  • Sweet water
  • Imperial Green Longpod
  • Relon
  • Hylon
  • Imperial White Longpod
  • Bunyard's Exhibition
  • Masterpiece Longpod
  • Express
  • Sussex Wonder Longpod
  • Epicure Network

Windsor type beans or intermediate pods

  • Green Windsor
  • White Windsor

Dwarf intermediate pod beans

  • The Sutton
  • Bonny Lad.

Beans from Spain

  • Muchamiel
  • Sweet water
  • Bouquet
  • Quarantine
  • Loreta
  • Mahon white and purple

A very practical vegetable in the kitchen, can be consumed in different ways, much coveted by the world's chefs, there are as many recipes as there are chefs in the universe.

Beans with mushrooms and quail eggs



Beans to the gardener


Beans with artichokes


Bean soup


Pure beans


You should know that by consuming this vegetable you are incorporating many benefits to your body, every time you consume, you eat "Water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, cellulose, mineral salts and vitamins"

  1. Calcium
  2. Potassium
  3. Match
  4. Magnesium
  5. Copper
  6. Iron
  7. Vitamin A, B1, B2, C

  • The regular consumption of beans is very important for the health of our body, its component of "Phosphorus, Potassium and Magnesium makes it ideal for children and the elderly since it contributes with" concentration and memory "

  • It is a natural anti-flu, its component of "Vitamin C" prevents and diminishes the "flu states, mild asthma and bronchitis"

  • The beans are highly recommended for growing children because of their "energetic" power; their content of "vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals and proteins" contributes to preventing and diminishing "anemia"

  • Its high content of "calcium" is ideal to keep bones, teeth and nails healthier and stronger

  • A natural ally for people suffering from slow transit, since its content of "Fiber regulates intestinal transit"

Now that you know the benefits of beans, what you think, or how many times you will consume this wonderful product

  • Once a month
  • Once a week
  • Once a day

If you want to know more about the medical, scientific specifications and the benefits that the consumption of this vegetable brings, you just have to enter the links that I leave below.




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I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina
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Very good post and history,,, i like this,, succes for you

thank you very much dear friend @daniham