
You had your vote yet????

Still waiting

not good. Ideally you want that vote as soon as you have authored a post. There ia no real benifit if you get the vote now in ny view. It will onlh really benifit in the first 30mins. 😀

Yes, I think the same. :(


Yepp, not the best service so far...McDonald's would give me two Happy Meals after such a long wait...

Haha! I would ask for two 100%s due to how long its taken. haha. or get a refund!

MCDonalds would not give you a wrong order twice would it? : )

Hmm I apologize this like stated in the post I would be out all day till 10:00 PM.

I have voted on your post and to make it right... send me a link to a new post and I will vote. I will be on up for 5 hours.