
I'm so glad that reading our story cheered you Amy, I'm smiling all over again too. This is a really cool initiative as well! Sending hugggggs to you and the boys, and my boys send hugs, high fives and nerf gun shots hhaha!!

It was good reading and getting to know you. Keep up the good work I must say.

Posted using Partiko Android

Awwww, I love when it radiates around and more than one person smiles. ^_^ Now I'm smiling. More people should op Lyndsay! #operationopLyndsay #operationoptheog #opopog Hee hee hee. Now I have to check out #promoteapost! I was reading that the whole time as "promote tea post," lol.

Heheheheh, yeah thats how I pronounce it too, im totally going to do a promoteapost about tea lawl...
And yes. We allll need to op her... gotta get my thinking cap on 🤔
Thank you for the smilechain 😄

100% Agreed! So glad to have everyone in this post as Canna members!!

Another good post and another good cause! You go gurl!

Wow! Such a great personality in @lyndsaybowes

Posted using Partiko Android

My guess is that it was Lydsay's group on FB that has us each following each other here on the steem blockchain, @amymya. 😎

It was well over a year after creating my account on the blockchain before, finally, being encouraged enough to start posting. Forty-some posts in over two years will never have me accused of spamming but it is forty-something more than before @lyndssybowes' gentle nudge. ✌💛