I can't even see the downvotes? Where do I see them, all I see is my posts sticking at a certain level even tho the views keep going up. Disheartening but as I'm not in it for the money should I care? I'm more about getting info out really. What's not to like? Hopefully they'll get bored and move on?
There are no downvotes on proof of brain so it doesn't show up on that front end
The catch with the pob front end is that it is slow and basic compared to the peakd front end
on peakd or hiveblog front ends your downvotes in hive will show up
but pob tokens are gaining value so fast that you may find your payouts in pob are worth more than the ones in hive
you are earning both - it's pretty cool but all very new and confusing
if this works out pob tokens will be pretty much whale free and potentially very valuable because they are limited to 21 million like bitcoin
So are you saying I should only post in POB to protect myself from the downvoting? How long are they gonna be doing this for, I notice I've already lost one follower and nothing is moving since my last post (authorwise). It was @Shepz1 who gave me the heads up on POB and to tag it. It defo made a big difference to my posts.
I'm going to start suggesting all my friends start tagging their posts #proofofbrain - it is making a big difference surprisingly fast.
Shepz1 is fully up to speed on how the downvoting works so I'm sure he has given you the back story!
It takes a lot to get established in these parts, hang in there.
Shepz is a diamond geezer. He also has big plans so he's a good friend to have.
Stirring the pot. Why stick to one pot?
And why not be a moving target? - things are mellow on Hive at the moment, but when the prices are higher, as we know from Steemit, it can get quite exciting.
Be prepared!
Right I like ur thinking and no I don't care about the money, I've been doing this for years and not got anything out of it except banned and deleted so yeh, great point. I think a lot of us are so used to trying to fly under the radar it will take some getting used to this free speech thing LOL. I'll give it a go tho.
this is your wallet so far - your pob payouts will start to come through in a few days
So everyone can see in my purse LOL, that's hilarious. I only just read about dapps and PeakD so was wondering how to see this stuff. I was only playing on the main blog apart from a quick go on Ecency the other day. I'm getting there slowly, thanx to help from people like you. xx
all hive votes show here - this is the best front end - but this is not showing proof of brain tokens
most of your payouts will come from a few key accounts, while there may be hundreds from people whose votes are "dust" - they have no monetary value
and people aiming to make returns from curation are getting their votes in from 5 mins to 1 hour if possible - this is a big subject in itself - after about 3 days you probably won't see much change in payout