Exclusive interview with an NFT Project creator

in #proofofbrain3 years ago (edited)

I am very excited to talk with @unicorn-tamer

She has just released a project called "Yolksters, The People of Egg" which is available for purchase on Open Sea. You can view the collection of 12 single print NFT's here.

She made a caveat during the interview that I was not allowed to show any of the NFT images on this blog as she wanted to drive people to the project page to increase traffic and awareness of the project.

There are 12 NFT's available, all original and one of a kind. Each one is for sale at 0.3 ETH with one in the series "The Canvas" listed at 0.5 ETH.

With that all said, let's get into the interview.

Full disclosure, @unicorn-tamer is my wife.

ME: What made you want to do this NFT project?

HER: (Big breath out.) I felt like it. (Long Pause) I thought it would be fun.

ME: With the huge popularity of NFT's what do you think sets your project apart?

HER: It's hand drawn... not to mention... it's from my imagination.

ME: How did you come up with the pricing?

HER: Well, the same way everyone else does. You think about what your time is worth and what your bottom line is. 'The Canvas' is worth a bit more, because that is where the great work began.

Me: Why do you think that it's "great work?"

HER: Look at them.

ME: What are your expectations with this NFT project?

HER: What kind of question is that? (Frustratedly) Obviously I hope people are going to like them and that they are going to be a big hit!

ME: Which one (of the 12) is your favourite?

HER: Van Gogh

ME: Do you have any more NFT projects coming up?

HER: Possibly (she shrugged). We'll see how I feel.

ME: Collin's dictionary awarded the word 'NFT' as the word of the year in 2021, did you know that?

HER: No, and I don't care

ME: What do you care about?

HER: What kind of question is that! Why are asking me that? What do you care about?!

ME: I care about this interview.

HER: OK. Then get on with it.

ME: Do you see a certain demographic or group of people as your target audience? Do you see any type of person being more interested in the Yolksters collection?

HER: No. They are like music. Universal.

ME: Do you have any advise for kids who may be thinking about doing some sort of project in the future, not necessarily an NFT project, but anything that takes a bit of effort?

HER: Serioiusly... you're asking me that? If there are children reading this, which I HIGHLY doubt... then, stick to your guns and do what you like.

ME: You issued only 12 NFT's in this collection... only one of each. Very exclusive, what was your motivation there?

HER: There wasn't any. I made as many as came to mind and when it was done... it was done.

ME: How long did it take you to see the whole project through from conception to the selling floor?

HER: That is absolutely nobody's business.

ME: Where did you get the name?

HER: Well, they are... What do you mean? You're the one who came up with 'Yolksters' and I came up with 'The People of Egg'... Originally they were going to be called Egg People but I changed it... Why do people want to know that!?

HER: Do you ever get dizzy from staring at the computer too long? (She asked me).

ME: Yes. (I replied).

HER: OK, maybe that's why I have been getting dizzy. (She is answering questions while looking at a computer screen)

ME: If this whole collection sells out, what are your plans?

HER: I don't know, I'll decide when it happens.

ME: What if none of them sell?

HER: (She laughs) Don't be ridiculous.

ME: Your son thought your NFT project was horrible, what do you think about that?

HER: Who the Fuck cares? He's 17, of course he's going to think they are terrible, and by terrible he likely thinks that they are the coolest thing he's ever seen. Plus, he's an idiot... he's not out there, working hard to see an NFT project through to completion.

Let's go to 'The Bay' so I can look at Jackets. They have all sorts of coats on clearance... we need to go to 'The Bay' Dovie (that is what she calls me).

ME: Why the Pink background in all of your NFT's?

HER: It's my favourite color, I love pink. I love all colors. Okay, how cool is this coat? It is regular $500 on clearance for $109. I could have a $500 coat for $100.

ME: What is your artistic background?

HER: Uh... explain yourself.

ME: Like, where did you get a start in art.

HER: I've been an artist my whole life. I would say it started when I stole all the condiments from the fridge and made a work of art on the carpet... I was very young. Then I went to art school, Vic Comp.

ME: Have you won any prizes or scholarships for art?

HER: No!(Fired up) And what are you trying to do... are you trying to say if they don't have an academic background that they are not allowed to be an artist?

ME: No, I was trying to set you up, so that you could brag about winning the easter coloring contest when you were 6.

HER: and that picture is a work of art. I don't know anyone else who could color like that when they were 6 years old. You should show everyone that picture.

Seriously, we have to go to the Bay to look at jackets.

[source](it is hanging on my fridge)

ME: What is your favourite Crypto project?

HER: (She pauses for a moment in thought) Well... my own.

ME: I'm going to give you free reign for a minute to tell people why they should check out and get involved with 'Yolksters, The People of Egg'.

HER: Look at them, they are fucking awesome, end of story, who wouldn't want one? Not to mention, do you know how much talent it takes to draw that badly?

ME: Well thank you very...

HER: Just wait, I'm not done!!!

ME: OK....

HER: Ok, I'm done.

ME: OK Thank you very much for taking time today...

HER: That's it! This is a horrible interview! Where were all of your yesterday questions? (I was coming up with questions and pretending to interview her yesterday and didn't write anything down... she thought I did way better yesterday).

Yolksters, The People of EggWell, that wraps up the interview. I do hope that you take a minute to check out @unicorn-tamer's NFT project


Thank you for bringing one more artist in Hive.
Congratulation, that your wife is also a Hivian.