I'm not sure if I have mentioned before, but, lately, I am picking a decent sized bowl of Raspberries, and freezing another smaller sized bowl just picked, plus, whatever berries are leftover form the day before. This all adds up to a nice sized bunch of frozen Raspberries for making Jam, come end of September, or Early October
We've really lucked out on Cucumber. For a while there, everyone else was talking about their Cucumber harvests, while I was getting none. NOW, they're coming in at one per day, maybe 5 per week, or so. And... looking at the vines, I am going to be getting cukes for a while now. Lots are growing and getting bigger.
Below For about a week, ten or so days now, I have been getting mostly cherry tomato, and San Marzano. MAYBE an occasional Beefsteak... BUT, today, I had two Cherokee Purple Tomato ready, after a few weeks off of production. PLUS, check out below:
There seems to be a second round of Black Tula and Black Seaman tomato growing and getting ready. Both are an Heirloom variety from Russia.
My Banana Pepper plants are producing again. So are the Purple Pepper, but I missed taking a shot of the ones I picked for the Salad yesterday, and to add into my Fresh Homemade Tomato Sauce. The Sweet Banana Pepper went into some salsa for a snack, along with some tomato.
Above Yesterday's harvest was slightly smaller than normal, until I started to remember, missing are some sweet peppers and banana peppers I picked, too.
I know that the seasons change, and inevitably, the first frost will come, BUT, not yet. There's still about 6 more growing weeks until the expected first frost. And if I am lucky, another week or two before a HARD frost.
I should see peas, a second round of tomato, some more lettuce, and herbs... and more peppers. MAYBE even some more zucchini and cumber. We shall see...

Previous Grovid 21 Posts:
Tunnel Vision Tunnel Vision
Weighing In Weighing In
6 Month Update 6 Month Update
Tips, Rice, and Garden Salad Tips Rice and Garden Salad
Beach Plum Liqueur Beach Plum Liqueur
Quick Hits Garden Quick Garden Hits
Garden Refresh Planting Garden Refresh Planting
Garden Fresh Tomato Sauce Fresh Tomato Sauce
Back To My Eden Back to My Eden
The Bounty The Bounty
A Little Quickie! A Little Quickie
Happy Birthday Yia Yia Happy Birthday Yia Yia
Making Sun Dried Tomato Making Sun Dried Tomato
From Soil, To Sir, With Love From Soil, To Sir, With Love
A Time To Sow A Time To Sow
Potato Potato Potato Potato Potato Potato
Dinner And A Show Dinner And A Show
Joyed and Whelmed Joyed and Whelmed
Garden's Below Garden's Below
Food For Family Food For Family
Spaghetti Squash Soon Spaghetti Squash Soon
Peck of Purple Pepper Peck Of Purple Pepper
Today's Garden Pick Todays Garden Pickings
Midnight In the Garden of Bluefin and Elsa Minight In the Garden Of Bluefin And Elsa
Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise Sprawlin' Spaghetti Squash Surprise!
Dinner and More... Dinner, and More...
Potato Harvest One. Potato Harvest One
Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry Cherry Cherry, Bo Berry!
Almost Ripe, Almost Tasty Amost Ripe, Almost Tasty!
I Grow, Therefore I Am I Grow, Therefore I Am
Lettuce Look! Lettuce Look At The Garden
Vegetable Garden Vegetable Garden Video Tour
Plants and Flowers VIDEO TOUR Plants and Flowers Video Tour
Quick Recap Grovid21 Quick Recap Grovid 21
Alive After A Week Away Alive After A Week Away
40 Days and 40 nights 40 Days and 40 Nights
Label My Garden Label My Garden Grovid
Garden Labels So FAR Labels Grovid 21
Tomatos Are OUTSIDE! Tomatos Are Grovid Ready
Going Outside Grovid 21 Going Outside
Some Outside, Some In Some Outside, Some Inside
UpPotting Day! Uppotting Day!
Herbs and Veggies! Herbs and Veggies for Dinner
St. Patricks Day Grovid St. Patrick's Grovid21
Peppers and More Peppers, Peppers, Peppers!
Grow Baby Grow update Peppers, so far
Seed Starter Mix and Planting! Seed Starting
Indoor Lighting Station Set Up! Lighting Setup!
The Seed Packets Arrived! Starting From Seed
Here's a quick RECAP post about Last Year's Garden

Bluefin Studios

Bluefin Studios is a photographer, specializing in wildlife, nature, landscapes, waterfalls and Lighthouses!

To the animals and birds around me
to put more plants in than I take out
And be a good steward for the world around me!

The lovely harvests again
yes, and those Yellow Cherry Tomato are SO SWEET!!!!
Like candy
Wish I could reach for a taste.
Hehehehe, happy to feed you, some day