The Assisted Death

in #proofofbrain2 months ago

The part where someone gets to leave by himself and died by himself. He suited again assisted to die.

This thing. Looks healthy and it kinda helps too. Quote you emotional pain down some people go through in their life It is not something that is good and it can be abused if care is not taken.

Yes, a lot of family member come pray on this and decide to end the life of a long loved ones on the basis that they can help the person to die early in order to kill the pain. What if you? Give the person needed sentence today as a family member and a cure for that sickness comes up tomorrow. What will happen? What would be your states? How even see it?

So the best is to let people want to die, to die their own natural death. It is an honour to do that. It is fun also to bow down to life in such a way than to be on the sick day. Dan one, auntie, uncle or brother. We have to sign a document that they should take you off the surface of the earth. That is shooting. That’s very terrible.


I don’t even know how. Oh, why Song was saying such a thing. I believe we should have this tendency to stick with each other to the very end, till death do us part knows killing. People, mercifully, we are not God. That decision is in the end. Good, and no man should take that into his or her hands.