There are tools that allow you to do the work that needs to be done. If you have the right tools, it is easy. Knowing is half the battle, and then showing up, doing the work, keeping the habit going. You wont want to do it, but you know you should. There are lots of other things to do, don't just lay down.
There are things to do and you can get it done now! You have the time, just make it happen. Clean off your desk there and pull all your receipts out of your wallet. Make sure they are written down properly and then put into corresponding envelops. Find your index cards and make sure they are labeled for the next week. This system is a habit that you have been practicing, and can keep doing.
I am writing to you but I am talking to myself, and I hope you can see that I am motivating myself to keep up with my daily financial tracking plan, which ensures I keep my eye on every Dollar.
I caught up last week, but by next week I will have other things to work on. So far everything is going well. I just need to remember that in fact everything is perfect. And the noise we hear is harmony.
Still at it.. a few receipts down, looking for missing index cards, marking my transactions.
Boom! Done. I pushed through and managed to complete it in 2 hours. Now I am caught up and organized and I have all my records up to date. Keeping this up in March seems possible.