The USA Infrastructure Crisis is Coming Home to Roost

in #proofofbrain4 years ago

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, it does.


The I-40 Hernando de Soto bridge over the Mississippi River could remain closed to vehicles for months.

You're still going to get stuck.... Even if you aren't going to the bridge, you're going to get stuck...Be ready, because it is going to be a little rough....until...we're going to say indefinitely, because that's what they are telling us.

~ Local 24 ABC

A routine bridge inspection on May 11 by Michael Baker International revealed a significant fracture in a steel support beam that is crucial for the structure of the bridge. The inspector immediately notified emergency services and shut down all access to the bridge, including barge traffic on the Mississippi River.

This isn't good, folks.

For those of you outside of the USA, I-40 is a highway that runs from coast to coast. It is a major road for transporting goods throughout the USA. The Mississippi can only be crossed by barge or bridge, there are no shallow points on the Mississippi. The Mississippi itself is a major traffic route for transporting goods from Chicago down to the Gulf of Mexico. They are saying that they can't have traffic on the bridge or under the bridge.

Right now, the South East is suffering form the Colonial pipeline hack that has caused fuel shortages in several states, from 20% to 70%, depending on the state. This is on top of the disruptive effects covid had on overall manufacturing over the last year.

President Biden touted an USD $2.3 trillion Infrastructure Plan which apparently only has a few billion to actually fix roads, bridges and power lines. Even though the Democrats control the House, the Senate and the Presidency, they aren't eager to ram down a bill that is about the same amount of the entire current budget.

Due to all the "relief" spending and shutdowns, inflation increased at a 13 year high and job numbers failed massively. People are not going back to work and the economy is about to crash.

We have all the signs of a economic, social and just general societal breakdown coming soon. While the government chases unicorns and spends billions on feel good programs, our infrastructure has slowly deteriorated and I'm not just talking about bridges. We have gotten to the point were people are not ashamed of taking handouts over doing an honest days work. We have teenagers doing car jackings and carrying more about where their phone is than the man they just killed, who is lying in a crumpled up ball on the sidewalk next to them. People are looting and burning down stores for no other reason than just to get free stuff. The moral fabric of our country has been ripped to shreds, which leads us ripe for revolt.

I know there are some people out there who are looking forward to seeing the government and everything around them burn. And, I know there are some people who saw this coming over a decade ago and realized there was nothing to be done, so they started preparing for The End Of The World As We Know It (TEOTWAWKI).

What goes up, must come down and so do civilizations. Everyone should prepare for disaster.

There was probably a large portion of the populous of Rome who were dumbfounded when the gates came down and the invaders started burning and destroying everything.

Don't be one of those people.


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This is an eye opener. In the mist of stock markets all time highs the actual infrastructure that supports the US economy is falling apart. Hyperinflation is coming and its coming due to poor logistics. The transportation of goods and services is failing to meet the demand which in turn is driving up costs. Lumber is a good example. Not if but when delivery of goods comes to a grinding halt the prices of goods will go nowhere but parabolic up. This has not really been talked about in public media so I assume once it hits across America the excuse by the government and the FED will be, we did not see this coming.