There are some job offers that if you take it, you are in for it for the rest of your life. I don't want to know how paying the job might be.
I don't want to know how beautiful and how much thousands of dollars that they are paying you. But if you dare to enter such kind of jobs, you might not come out of it for the rest of your life.
Why am I saying this? The working environment is not even conducive to start with, but the fact that you are having problems securing the job will make you not to see it or to overlook it. Even then jump into the job. By the time you jump into the job in no time you will not like yourself.
You will just notice that they have taken a lot out from you and you are nowhere to be found. I must also add that if you are ever going to take up any job, you must put your sanity and your family first.
If you are not able to do this, you might be losing a lot of things. You might not get some things right as fast as you should be, especially if the working environment is not cooperative. Some working staff or working colleague are not even cooperative in any way.

They will make life hell for you if you are not careful. Another thing they used to add up to the issue is double you up with a lot and lot of works that by the time you start working on many of these thing, you will not get out of it as fast as you should. You might even be there till late in the evening and they will not even care if you have a family or not. So yes. No matter how desperate you are for jobs, jobs are not to be taken.