oh my gosh... that story about Yamato!!! It makes you wonder what goes through the minds of some people - thinking THAT is acceptable punishment for a child???
and you wonder why this little boy thinks its ok to just pick up rocks and throw them around - what example does he have before him??? that anything and everything is just acceptable to do! (like leave a child in a bear- infested forest)
and there is no way that they only drove 500 meters! If they had - and yelled his name - he would have CERTAINLY still been able to hear them - ESPECIALLY if he was running after their car in that direction!
I think they were just lying across the board. What terrible people!
and that video with the girl? lol I can't believe its true. for SO many reasons.
I mean their house was nice... but it wasn't a mansion! It was just a normal, average nice house. I don't know if middle class people can afford a lambo?? hahhaha but what do I know? LOl it just seemed very staged.
I couldn't watch the whole thing - but even when he first came to her at the counter - she seemed like she was in on something LOL like it was just set up for some views on youtube hahaha
but I HAVE seen some videos that are NOT staged with the most spoiled children on the planet LOL and they are just atrocious!!!
People are really really strange! hahahaha
and they raise strange children 😁
The world is a strange place indeed. Police never filed charges against the parents. The parents forgot where they abandoned him and likely like about how far they actually traveled. I wondered if the boy was even throwing rocks. Reports are very vague about the oddities about the event.
Truth is certainly stranger than fiction. Parents take extremes of all kinds when it comes to their kids. Sometimes like Yamato the end result can be relieving and heart warming. Others like Jordan Turpin lived a life of horrors. Her ending may have a similar result, but what she lived through is too hard to realize.
oh my gosh...not sure if I want to see the sadder video! why do people take these unnecessary risks with their children?!?!
When you live in your own world you live by your own rules. Sometimes those rules are horrid.
Part of what I do IRL is to evaluate human performance errors. Those occur when someone operates outside of protocols. In most instances errors occur because someone assumes something to be okay and acts on their assumption rather than check the applicable procedure. What they do is also dependent on factors like stress at work or home and sleep.
At the Turpin household, the dad was a Lockheed Engineer. He knew WTF he was doing to the kids and so did the mom. There was no misunderstanding because they hid what was done to the kids for years. Fearing for her life, that girl escaped and brought the authorities to the rescue.
what an interesting job!!!!!
and i still didn't watch the video - and still don't want to LOL
i'll just take your word on it that the dad was a piece of trash! sheesh...
so how in the world do you go to school for that job you have??? what was your major. I'm much more interested in that! hahahaha
In higher risk jobs like military or commercial power production there are huge investments in analyzing human behavior and why it can go awry. At the power plant I work at you’re exposed to all sorts of training on compliance. Also, if you make a mistake you learn about the process first hand.
It all boils down to areas of risk management that few people concern themselves. I learned of risk management in the military, work and during my Masters. Almost a must have when anything can go wrong at work.
when I was in University...I had plans to be a psychiatrist... I was on that path for 3 years until I realized I would have to give a lot of "mommy" time up to dedicate for my career. and I chose to not do that
I know a lot of moms can do both... (and now that my kids are grown I'm happily enjoying pursuing my own passions) but for me... being a great mom required 20 hours a day. hehehe
so... I changed my major to something less intense, (psychology) and graduated with a degree in that.
never regretted that decision.
your job sounds like something I would enjoy hehehe
I like analyzing- minds, problems, situations...etc! lol
It has its ups and downs. I just finished a work period where I was on night shift 12+ hours per day for 1.5 months. I barely saw my family and that sucked a lot. Everyone wanted quick data analyses and reports for their work. It was a nonstop event but damn I got paid for it.
It gets scary too because so much is involved with what I report on.
You made the right decision for your career. I’m glad everything worked out for you. My wife just made a similar decision and left school to focus on her work with our boys, her parents, and herself most importantly.
Oh, the video with the girl? Totally true. The parents are clearly off their rocker. If I had that cash just laying around I’d do a lot more than by a child an exotic car. Jesus.
I thought lambos were like...a LOT of money. lol
maybe that's why she was upset? cuz it was an older model or something??? I have no idea. but I just assumed you had to live in a mansion in order to afford one hahahahaha
and yeah...I'm glad that I didn't watch the full thing and only skipped through it...cuz they were both super annoying...
the way she talked to him...
but also the way he talked to her??? as if she was just some.peer he has to please???
not good!
and wow...
Older lambos can be more expensive than new ones. She’s totally spoiled and her parents are clearly just as bad. I will never understand rich people problems.
i never want to understand their problems LOL
and someday, if i'm rich... please let me not have rich people problems!!!!! LOLOL