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RE: Burnout

in #proofofbrain3 years ago

Managing a full-time job, a DJ career and trying to bring some quality stuff to HIVE is a BIG challenge. I know all about that. I had to cut down on my posting front already for more than a year since creating something cool and/or interesting enough not having the feeling of degrading the blog to a shit-posting blog, is time-consuming. Am glad you recognised your max and started to cut down on some of the activities. I suppose as long as you do things because you like to do them, all good. When it feels like you have to do it for other reasons than pleasure, activities, even in fields you like, will cause negative stress. Maybe easy for me to say since I'm not a musician of any kind, it's no problem to lay low on music, or HIVE, or anything else that you can decide for yourself. NJOY this wonderful Sunday afternoon (not sure what the weather is doing at your end, but at my end its simply wonderful, Spring-ish sun + temperatures this afternoon).