
hey @frost77, good to see you here :-) Looks to me like you've qualified. Go ahead and write your entry comment. I'm very interested to hear about what you have to say from your time on the Hive so far as I know you have been very active as an author in all sorts of communities and very engaged in the comments section too :-)

Where do you want me to post this at?

hey, you can post it here in the comments if you want to, or in the comments of the original contest post. Up to you, I will be curating both and all comments across both the main post and reminder post will be counted!

I'll just post it right here, right now.! Because that's the type of person I am! I'm what you call a go getter. If I see something I want, I fixate on it. And I find a way to manifest it into reality!

I joined the Hive about a month and a half ago or so and you know I've had a lot of fun posting here! I've already experienced ups and downs along the way and you know it's easy to say that I got frustrated when they tried to hit me for plagiarism. Especially since I had written the material that they were saying was plagiarism.

But I digress because you know it wasn't plagiarism but it definitely could have been handled better personally I should have given the credit to the people that had helped me write it which was taken care of this whole nonsense was squashed. And then my writing the next couple of stories were too graphic for the hive. I'm a horrific writer well I'm an awesome writer but I write horrific things. So I have had to tone myself down and venture into different prospects of my writing career. I also follow the splinter lands and I post updates and I run my own guild and a lot of things that have to do with splinterlands.

Actually it's because of the splinter lands that I am here with you guys today!!

I've also posted quite a few things about my current location which is going to be changing in a couple of months. I'm going to be moving from Colorado to Florida and I can't wait on this Florida a lot.

There is much more to come from me on the hive I I found homeI this is definitely the place I'm going to be for a long time. Nothing that I would say for any new member of hive is that you never know what you can do until you try and even if you get hit and knocked to the ground you got to get back up and try again you keep trying no matter what and eventually you going to succeed.

I don't know if this will work for your introduction post or whatever the heck kind of posts you needed but this is what you're going to get because yeah I'm feeling like a million dollars right now and I'm pretty proud of who I am.


Hi.I was pleasantly surprised to be noticed and tagged here.It's a compliment.Have a nice Sunday.
